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Queer Activisme in Nederland : 2dh5 workshop Queer Nederland - 17.11.2008 20:41
Oproep voor alle queers, queer activisten, holebitrans mensen, en alle politieke activisten! Iedereen is bij deze uitgenodigd om naar de workshop 'Queer activisme in Nederland' (Nov 23 zondag 11.45-13.15) te komen. Deze workshop maakt deel uit van het politiek activisme festival 2dh5 (21 t/m 23 november 2008) in Den Bosch. Calling all queers, queer activists, lgbt people, and all political activists ! Everyone is invited to come to the workshop 'Queer Activism in the Netherlands' (Nov 23rd sunday 11.45-13.15). This is a part of the political activism festival 2dh5 (Nov 21-23 2008) in Den Bosch. Queer Activisme in Nederland Queer Activism in The Netherlands (ENGLISH VERSION FOLLOWS BELOW) Oproep voor alle queers, queer activisten, holebitrans mensen, en alle politieke activisten! Iedereen is bij deze uitgenodigd om naar de workshop 'Queer activisme in Nederland' te komen. Deze workshop maakt deel uit van het politiek activisme festival 2dh5 (21 t/m 23 november 2008) in Den Bosch. Wanneer: 23 november, 11:45 - 13:15 Waar: Wijkcentrum Boschveld, Edisonstraat 11, 's Hertogensbosch Hoe: We hebben een panel met queer activisten, sommigen uit de 70 en 80er jaren, een aantal die betrokken waren bij Queeruption, een aantal die nu actief zijn en een queer activist uit Gent. Zij zullen elk een aantal minuten spreken, gevolgd door een algemene discussie samen met het publiek. Taal: De discussie zal in het Nederlands of Engels zijn, afhankelijk van het publiek, met mogelijkheden tot vertalingen. Thema's: Er zal discussie zijn over de volgende onderwerpen, die geintroduceerd worden door de leden van het panel. 1.Wat is de aard van de queer en holebitrans beweging in de 70 en 80er jaren die ertoe geleid heeft dat deze zo succesvol was? In hoeverre waren andere activistische groepen erbij betrokken, zoals feministen, anarchisten, mensenrechten activisten, studentengroepen, etc 2.Waarom verloor de queer beweging momentum? 3.Waarom is queer activisme nog steeds nodig in Nederland? 4.Hoe is de huidige queer en holebitrans activisten scene in Nederland? Hoe kunnen we weer momentum opbouwen? 5.Hoe kunnen we connecties maken met groepen zoals feministen, anti-deportatie en pro-migratie groepen, vooral holebitrans mensen in het licht van de overname van de discours van de homorechtenbeweging door rechtse (islamophobische en anti-immigratie) groepen. 6.Hoe te gaan met de nog steeds verergerende commercialisering van de homoscene, en de bijkomstige depolitisatie van de homogemeenschap? Waarom: In de jaren 70 en 80 had nedeland een bijzonder actieve queer en holebitrans activisten beweging. Deze organiseerde openbare demonstraties, begon publieke debatten en speelde een grote rol in het veranderen van zowel de juridische als sociale reactie op homosexualiteit en aanverwante issues. Maar over de laatste 15 jaar is het momentum gestaag afgenomen. De samenleving in het algemeen, inclusief de meerderheid van de holebitrans mensen, zien de strijd als gewonnen, en dat er niets meer over is om nog te bereiken. Er zijn nu nog maar een handje vol queer groepen en holebitrans groepen in het land, en de meerderheid daarvan zijn verworden tot geinstitutionaliseerde lobbygroepen. Wij denken dat er nog steeds een enorme noodzaak is voor queer activisme. Trouwen wordt gezien als de norm, zelfs onder holebitrans mensen, er worden geen vragen gesteld over het uitbreiden van partnerschapsrechten naar groepen mensen of vrienden, of over asiel voor homosexuelen en de bijbehorende migratierechten, het in contact komen met holebitrans mensen in immigrantengroepen, problemen met de huidige wetgeving rond sexverandering, acceptatie van holebitrans mensen in de Nederlandse samenleving ten koste van compartimentalisering van gedrag en rollen als homo/hetero of man/vrouw zijn tegenwoordig zelfs stricter dan ooit. Wie: Deze workshop wordt georganiseerd door QueerNL, een groep queer activisten die aan het begin van dit jaar zijn opgericht. We hebben tot nu toe een aantal activiteiten georganiseerd, waaronder een queer blok bij de Nederland bekent Kleur manifestatie, een discussie sessien met Eve Sedgwick, een anti-vercommersialiseringsactie bij de Gay Pride getiteld Gays for Sale, en hebben meegewerkt aan de Transgender Gedenkdag. Meer informatie is te vinden op www.queer-nl.org (de website heeft tijdelijke problemen.) Contact: queernl@gmail.com Queer Activism in the Netherlands (DUTCH VERSION ABOVE) Calling all queers, queer activists, lgbt people, and all political activists ! Everyone is invited to come to the workshop 'Queer Activism in the Netherlands'. This is a part of the political activism festival 2dh5 (Nov 21-23 2008) in Den Bosch. More information about the festival can be found at http://www.2dh5.nl WHEN : Nov 23, sunday, 11.45 hr to 13.15 hr. WHERE : Wijkcentrum Boschveld, Edisonstraat 11, 's Hertogenbosch (wheelchair friendly) HOW : We have a panel of queer activists, some who were active in the 70s and 80s, some who were involved in queeruption, some who are active now, and a queer activist from Gent. They will speak for a few minutes each, followed by a general discussion among the audience. LANGUAGE : The discussion would be english or dutch, depending on the audience, with some translation arrangement. THEMES : The issues to be discussed, which would be introduced by the panelists are: 1. What was the nature of the queer and lgbt movement in the 70s and 80s which made it so successful ? What was extent of involvement with other activist groups like feminists, anarchists, human rights activists, student groups, etc 2. Why did the momentum of the queer movement die out ? 3. Why is there a need for an ongoing queer activism in Netherlands ? 4. What is the current queer and lgbt activist scene in Netherlands like ? How do we build up momentum again ? 5. How do we connect with groups like feminists, anti-deportation and pro migration groups etc ? How do we deal with contemporary issues like gay asylum and deportations, reaching out to immigrant comunities, especially lgbt people, cooption of the gay rights discourse by the right wing (islamophobic and anti-immigration groups) etc ? 6. How to grapple with the increasing commercialisation of the gay scene, its associated depoliticisation of the gay community ? WHY : The Netherlands had a very active queer and lgbt actvist movement in the 70s and 80s. This movement had organised public demonstrations, started public debates, and played a huge role in changing the legal as well as social response to homosexuality and related issues. However, over the last decade and a half, the momentum has steadily decreased. Society at large, including lgbt people, see the struggle as having been won, and there being nothing left to achieve. There are now only a handful of queer groups as well as lgbt groups in the country, and a majority of the latter have evolved into institutionalised lobbying groups. We think there is still tremendous need for queer activism. Marriage is seen as the norm, even among lgbt people, there is no questioning of extending domestic partnership rights to groups of people or friends, issues of gay asylum into europe and associated migration rights, reaching out to lgbt people in immigrant communities, problems with the current sex change operation rules, issues faced by trans people in society, and lastly, acceptance of lgbt people in dutch society at the cost of compartmentalising behaviour and roles are straight/gay or male/female even more strictly than before. WHO : This workshop is organised by QueerNL, which is a queer activist group formed at the beginning of this year. We have organised a few events so far, viz, queer bloc at the Nederland Bekent Kleur, a discussion session with Eve Sedgwick, anti-commercialisation action at the Gay Pride called Gays for Sale, helped with the Transgender GedenkDag etc. Details can been seen at www.queer-nl.org (which is experiencing temporary problems). Our contact email is queernl@gmail.com E-Mail: queernl@gmail.com Website: http://www.queer-nl.org Queer Activisme in Nederland |
Lees meer over: Agenda anti-fascisme / racisme europa feminisme globalisering kunst, cultuur en muziek media militarisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis zonder rubriek | aanvullingen | copypaste from anarchistnews.org | anarqueeria - 17.11.2008 23:08
Gay anarchist 'action' hits church From Lansing City Pulse - by Nathan Harris Gay anarchist group infiltrates, protests outside Eaton County church A gay anarchist group infiltrated the Mt. Hope Church in Eaton County Sunday morning, disrupting a service by pulling a fire alarm, dropping leaflets and yelling at parishioners, a pastor said. The group, Bash Back, was simultaneously picketing outside the church, beating on buckets and using a megaphone to shout “Jesus was a homo” and other slogans as confused churchgoers continued to enter the building. Members of Bash Back issued a press release Tuesday saying that it targeted Mt. Hope, a church that claims a flock of around 5,000, because it is, "complicit in the repression of queers in Michigan and beyond." According to the Myspace.com page of the Lansing chapter, the network initially sprung up with the intent of increasing homosexual visibility within the anarchist community. The “action” began early Sunday morning at the Northstar Center on Lathrop Street in Lansing where a group of around 20 protesters gathered. Pink bandanas, signs, a rainbow-colored “Bash Back!” flag and a pink, wooden cross were distributed among about half the group — the “outside team.” The rest — “inside team” — were dressed in conservative clothes and carried Bibles and stacks of fliers, intending to blend in to the church‘s 11:30 a.m. “contemporary-laid back service.” City Pulse was alerted to the Bash Back event through a press release and had no prior knowledge of where the “action” would take place or what it would entail. “We’re having an action today,” one of the organizers told this reporter at the Northstar Center. “You’re in for a treat.” Bash Back began picketing outside the church doors soon after the 11:30 service began. The group also handed out fliers, which were much calmer in tone and targeted more at the curious than the angry. “We specialize in confronting homophobia, transphobia and every and all other forms of oppression,” the fliers read. “We strive for the liberation of all people.” After a few minutes of protesting in front of the church doors, the “outside team” was asked to move its protest to the street, about 100 yards from the building. The team, standing beneath a row of tall flags that flank the entrance to the fortress-like church, focused its energy on the passing cars. About 40 minutes into the service, the “inside team” ran from the building to their cars and drove away. The Rev. John Elieff, “Helps Minister” at Mt. Hope Church, said Bash Back members disrupted the service by bursting into the sanctuary, throwing fliers, hanging a banner from the balcony and pulling fire alarms. “It was an unwelcome and violent demonstration,” he said. When Eaton County Sheriff’s deputies arrived, they questioned the remaining protestors in the church parking lot. Elieff and other church staff questioned the Bash Back members why Mt. Hope Church had been singled out. “I don’t know,” was an almost universal response. Elieff acknowledged the group’s right to protest, but he said the church’s civil rights were infringed upon when the service was disrupted. No one was arrested at the church, and, Elieff said, as far as he knew, no arrests have been made. “I would have preferred that they had all been taken in,” he said. Elieff called Bash Back’s description of the church as a “well-known anti-queer, anti-choice radical right-wing establishment” a “gross misinterpretation.” He said the leadership of Mt. Hope Church attempts to identify the church as neither anti-homosexual nor anti-choice, but that homosexuality is one of many sins the Bible condemns. “Mt. Hope Church struggles to follow Christ’s example of loving the sinner and not the sin,” he said. Check out more details at bashbacknews.wordpress.com
Website: http://bashbbacknews.wordpress.org | |
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