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Fire to the Prisons #4 Out Now! Longing for Collapse Press - 27.11.2008 05:06
Fire to the Prisons #4 Out Now! Fire to the prisons for is an insurrectionary anarchist quarterly periodical that is distributed all over the world. It is intended to provoke a strong community of revolutionary solidarity. Every issue focuses on anarchist analysis, political prisoner awareness, actions conducted in solidarity with others prisons and campaigns, indigenous solidarity, and more. The article content for this issue is listed below. Fire to the Prisons #4 Out Now! Fire to the prisons for is an insurrectionary anarchist quarterly periodical that is distributed all over the world. It is intended to provoke a strong community of revolutionary solidarity. Every issue focuses on anarchist analysis, political prisoner awareness, actions conducted in solidarity with others prisons and campaigns, indigenous solidarity, and more. The article content for this issue is listed below. Fire to the Prisons #4: OUT NOW! Fire to the prisons for is an insurrectionary anarchist quarterly periodical that is distributed all over the world. It is intended to provoke a strong community of revolutionary solidarity. Every issue focuses on anarchist analysis, political prisoner awareness, actions conducted in solidarity with others prisons and campaigns, indigenous solidarity, and more. The article content for this issue is listed below. The link to download the PDF is available below, just cut and paste it to your web browser, and click the download link. We hope with this attachment you will print and distribute this issue of Fire to the Prisons in your areas around the world We also hope that if you do plan to distribute it, that in some way, you mention to us where and how many you are distributing, so we can be aware of its circulation. If you are interested in purchasing bulk copies of Fire to the Prisons #4, please contact us. Fire to the Prisons is a project of A Longing for Collapse Press, our contact is below: table of contents for issue 4: -Report Back from 2008 Republican National Convention -Hipsters of the World! We are so fucking boring! By an Anonymous Hipster -To do away with Doubt. To drown empty words. By Run. A. Crow -Prisoner Updates and Links -Revolutionary Solidarity Reports: A chapter of the “solidarity of attack”. -A Brief Chronology of North American Prisoner Resistance -Insurgent Ferocity: The Playful Violence of Rebellion By Feral Faun -Security Tip: For the Ambitious Dispossessed -Confronting Snitch Culture: Historical Examples and Current Proposals -A Tribute to Sally Grace -Links to Other Projects PDF download link:
http://325collective.com/ftp4.pdf Contact to Fire to the Prisons and Longing for Collapse Press:
Guerillaheart@yahoo.com Myspace.com/alongingforcollapsepress Longing for Collapse c/o Shoelacetown ABC P.O Box 8085 Paramus, NJ 07652 Please feel free forward this text to any email lists or blogs. in solidarity, the Fire to the Prisons Collective E-Mail: guerillaheart@yahoo.com Website: http://www.myspace.com/alongingforcollapsepress |
Lees meer over: media | aanvullingen | Te koop in Het Fort van Sjakoo | Sjaak - 27.11.2008 10:40
Bovengenoemde uitgave is te koop in de Amsterdamse boekhandel Het Fort van Sjakoo, Jodenbreestraat 24, 1011 NK Amsterdam, info@sjakoo.nl, www.sjakoo.nl, 020-6258979. Prijs per los nr. 3,00 euro. | |
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