Film Marathon X-Y: zo 7december XminY - 01.12.2008 23:48
In het kader van haar 40-jarig jubileum organiseert XminY een Latijn-Amerikaanse Film Marathon met Korte films, documentaires, live muziek van Son 5 en Tentempies, tapas, live interviews en meer. 40 years X minus Y Latin American Chillout Film Marathon with short films, docus, tapas, live muziek with Son 5 en Tentempies, tapas and cocktails.  40 years X minus Y Latin American Chillout Film Marathon with short films, docus, tapas, live muziek with Son 5 en Tentempies, tapas and cocktails. Programme: 15:00 Opus Dei, a Quiet Crusade (Chile, 2007) 16:15 Heart of Factory (Argentina, 2008) 18:15 Pause Live muziek met Son 5 & Tentempies + cocktails 19:30 Presentation of the X-Y Latin America section,with talks, activist short films and information. 20:00 Short Film about the Mapuche communities vs. Benetton. Guest Rafael Railaf (Stichting Folil) 20:30 Hotel Gondolin (Argentina, 2005) 21:30 The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada (Film), director Tommy Lee Jones All the films are with subtitles in English 15:00 - 23:00. adress: OT 301 Overtoom 301 Amsterdam entrance: 3 euro. Opus Dei, a quiet crusade (Marcela Said - Jean De Certeau , Chile, 2007) Opus Dei, a quit crusade is a documentary inside the heart of the most influential and secret organization of Catholic Church. An Unpublished travel to the world of Christian fundamentalism where the dream of put "The cross in the middle of the world" becomes true. This film reveals not only an effective mechanism to conquest the power in Chile but wondered about the real political and ideological aspirations of this organization. Heart of Factory (Ernesto Ardito, Virna Molina, Argentina, 2008) The employees of Zanon, a tile factory in the northwest of Argentina, have been in control ever since the director declared the company bankrupt in 2001. For the time being, things are going well for the new Zanon; there's even been some new job creation. The key idea is the word compañero, which stands for collegiality, solidarity and a fair distribution of work and income. In the midst of the production process and in measured tone, the compañeros discuss the direction of the company their company. It's no easy task keeping things on track in a political and economic climate that isn't crazy about the workers' control. With support from the local population, the employees have managed to withstand various attempts at eviction. Nevertheless, the biggest threat would appear to come from within: the self-determination they have obtained has increased their personal responsibility. But that demands a persistent and productive fundamental attitude. The age-old tradition of heavy-handed repression and shameless corruption that Argentina is famous for can't be wiped away in just a few years. But the fire of change is burning strong enough, just as the factory ovens have never stopped burning. A film about 7 years of autogestion of the recovered factory Zanon. First shown at the IDFA 2008! Hotel Gondolin (Fernando Lopez Escriva , Argentina, 2005) The Gondolin Hotel in Buenos Aires is the home of 30 transvestites and one transsexual who work as prostitutes as the unique alternative to survive in a society that excludes them. This film focuses on the importance of freedom of gender identity, the everyday life of the transvestites in the Hotel, street prostitution, and the rising difficulties with the neighbors and the local authorities. The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada (director Tommy Lee Jones USA/France) Melquiades Estrada, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, is shot and buried in a shallow grave in the high desert of West Texas (inspired by the real-life shooting of Esequiel Hernandez). His body is found and reburied in a local cemetery. After kidnapping the killer and forcing him to disinter the body, Pete Perkins, Melquiades' best friend and employer, undertakes a dangerous and quixotic journey on horseback into Mexico, with his captive in tow and Melquiades' body tied to a mule. 15:00 - 23:00. adress: OT 301 Overtoom 301 Amsterdam entrance: 3 euro. Voor alle activiteiten geldt: vaste XminY donateurs hebben gratis toegang! (je kunt ook ter plekke donateur worden) All the films are with subtitles in English More information: E-Mail: |