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TOMMORROW A SOLIDARITY ACTION IS GOING TO TAKE PLACE IN DEN HAAG. WE ARE GOING TO MEET 18.00 at DEN HAAG CENTRAL AND WE ARE GOING TO DECIDE ALLTOGETHER THE KIND OF THE PROTEST. PLEASE FORWARD IT TO ALL SQUATS, OR DUTCH PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW. WE NEED YOUR HELP AND THEY NEED OUR SOLIDARITY. Printable version - TOMMORROW A SOLIDARITY ACTION IS GOING TO TAKE PLACE IN DEN HAAG. WE ARE GOING TO MEET 18.00 at DEN HAAG CENTRAL AND WE ARE GOING TO DECIDE ALLTOGETHER THE KIND OF THE PROTEST. PLEASE FORWARD IT TO ALL SQUATS, OR DUTCH PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW. WE NEED YOUR HELP AND THEY NEED OUR SOLIDARITY. A teenager murdered by the Greek police! We stand in solidarity with the struggling people! On December 6th two police officers murdered Alexandros Grigoropoulos, a 15 year old teenager, by shooting him right in his heart. At first, both government and police claimed that the police officers were attacked, which turned out to be a lie. The Media despite their effort to distort the facts and reproduce the government and police propaganda didn’t manage to succeed. Witnesses say that, right before the incident, the policemen provoked the group of young boys and a verbal conflict followed but at no instance were the policemen attacked or physically threatened. It's not the first time the police has murdered in cold blood and it will not be the last. This bloody brutality must stop. This event occurred at a time when the reactionary plans of the government force the majority of the people to live in the worst conditions possible, without rights, condemning them to live a life of unemployment and poverty. Immediately after the incident, thousands of people all over Greece went out in the streets to protest. Greek police confronted the protesters with extreme violence. Many ended up in hospital injured by plastic bullets or seriously beaten, and others were arrested. The amount of tear gas used was so large that the Ministry of Health issued a statement to stop their use. Hundreds of people were sent to hospitals with respiration problems. This murder is another incident in a long series of police brutalities. But it is far more than that. It is another instance of the violence which is created by the world-wide economic system. Other incidents include the murder of the suspected terrorist Brazilian plumber in the London subway and the death of the French youth that triggered the massive French riots, but the list is longer and more multifaceted. A social system based on the principle of individual profit cannot but create violence, everywhere present whether visible or hidden. 09.12.08 Solidarios • SOLIDARITY TO THE COUNTRY-WIDE ONGOING DEMONSTRATIONS • DOWN WITH THE MURDERERS AND THEIR POLICIES! • THEY WILL NOT PREVAIL! • IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF EVERYONE ARRESTED IN SOLIDARITY ACTIONS WORLDWIDE • THE PEOPLE AND THE YOUTH WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED! You can find also an attached printable version of the text, if anybody wants to print it, and spread it around with us. For contact: greeksolidaritynl@mail.com E-Mail: greeksolidaritynl@mail.com |
Lees meer over: Agenda anti-fascisme / racisme europa vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  |  | Vertalers gezocht/translators wanted | Redactie - 09.12.2008 01:09
*Please forward widely* Indymedia activists in Greece are *urgently* in need of help with translations from and into Greek. There is a lot of international attention for what is going on in Greece now and there are many articles on the Athens IMC website - in Greek language. The Athens indymedia website is currently struggling with a huge number of people accessing the site. The global Indymedia network is now working on a different solution and this solution needs help translating technical terms into Greek. If you understand Greek and want to help translate either the Greek content of athens.indymedia.org or (mostly easy) technical terms into Greek to help the new site come to life, please contact these addresses: ==> www-gr[AT]lists.indymedia.org for *content* imc-tech[AT]lists.indymedia.org for *tech terms* <== Please be patient - the Greek activists are under a lot of pressure now. Another option is of course to pick interesting articles in Greek language from IMC Athens, translate them and post the translations as articles. This would also be appreciated. You won't be expected to do more than you can. Any bit of help is a great help. Don't hate the media - become the media Indymedia - independent media center - http://www.indymedia.org | ususally censorship | fight the state - 09.12.2008 08:19
ususally actions that happen similar to what is now going on in greece are censored by the dutch indymedia. | bullshit | reader - 09.12.2008 09:16
"ususally actions that happen similar to what is now going on in greece are censored by the dutch indymedia." Is false information, though there is a practice of removing some trolls, party propaganda and commercial stuff or copyrighted material, that you could call 'censorship' there has never been any editorial practice of removing activist or militant stuff. Get a life. | torches? | nn - 09.12.2008 11:24
 since this will be an evening demo, it might be an idea to bring torches/flares. | demo | Hagenees - 09.12.2008 20:36
Er hebben bijna 200 mensen een demo van het station naar de Griekse ambassade gelopen met spandoeken en leuzen (ook veel in het Grieks). Het doel was om ook weer terug te gaan naar het station, geen idee of ze daar al veilig zijn aangekomen... | Succes | Zwolle87 - 09.12.2008 20:54
We arrived safely at the station. We are now in the train safely and on are way home. | net terug | nn - 09.12.2008 22:14
was een goede grote militante demo, veel anti-politie leuzen en oproepen om de strijd te verspreiden. er waren zeker 200 mensen van wie zeker 1/3de grieken. Omdat de oproep voor de demo oorspronkelijk uit griekse studenten hoek kwam vonden wij dus ook dat de grieken de intensiteit moesten bepalen (wat ze ook gedaan hebben). Omdat zij huiverig waren om door te breken naar de ambasade (we mochten tot aan het begin van de straat komen, daarna stonden ME en dranghekken)hebben we voor nu alleen ons ongenoegen duidelijk gemaakt dmv leuzen. maar de bereidheid is zeker aanwezig om weer terug te komen met veel meer mensen. jammer dat er zaterdag al 2 demo's over andere onderwerpen in het land zijn, anders was dit een goed dag geweest om te gaan.
| Greek thanks | Drifter - 10.12.2008 11:23
From here, i would like to say a big thank you to all those who joined us in the demo yesterday. People from Turkey from Spain from NL, sacrificed their afternoon, to show that social problems face no borders. Just an other word to the dutch anarchists. It was so promising to see that people in NL still have brain in their head and not shit. You live in a very difficult country to do any kind of protest, just keep it up guys. Venceremos Vuur en flammen in elke staad a friend from Greece | Vuur en vlammen | NN - 10.12.2008 13:03
It was good to be at the demo and see that so many Greeks were there. Also the small group of Dutch anarchists/antifa who came from all over, like Amsterdam, Utrecht, Den Bosch and of course the local Pirates! Too bad the rest of the dutch action scene is too lazy to come out and do other stuff than go to concerts, worry about their own squat, drinking and having discussion evenings. When I go to parties, concerts and squats I see a lot of punks and others walking around like tough streetfighters. But all they do is drink and listen too music. You should take example from your Greek and German (and small group of dutch) counterparts and go out on the streets! The same goes for the lazy dutch students who really don't care about politics. They pay the most of all European students, they get no money, have to finish in 4 years, have enormous expenses on housing and books, but they would rather watch TV, drink beer and wine and go to hip parties. I hope Indy doesn't take away this comment. I know it's not a discussionforum here but sometimes one has to tell the truth. | more solidarity from NL | NMGN - 10.12.2008 15:06
In the small town of Nijmegen there was a small solidarity action with about 30 to 40 activists showing their solidarity for our greek comrades. Thank you all who participated in that and also the demonstration in the Hague. Allot of us couldn't manage to go to The Hague on such a short notice, but it is great to hear that a rather big amount of 200 people showed up there! Keep it going like this, their struggle is our struggle! Athens is everywhere!
| vuur en vlammen (2) | nn (2) - 10.12.2008 16:14
i agree with nn pointing out the apathy of the dutch squatting scene-it has to move to be called a movement. i wasnt in den haag, but den haag is not necessarily so accessible to some people with the id plicht there. it would be nice if people started considering actions worthwile, and not something to avoid. we can all agree on alcohol but can we not express our hate for the state aswell? a.c.a.b. | Solidarity | NN(77) - 10.12.2008 17:19
I read things about: We're sorry we can't do a demo this weekend because there are already demo's planned. Are we that immobile that we can't postpone our demo to do something about the situation in Greece? Greece is on fire! (i read things about another boy being seriously injured by police and "normal" people attacking the police because they've had it with their violence and also about fascists helping the police attack protestors) We should have a spontaneous demo this weekend! Fuck other subjects for now. I ask the organizers of this weekends demo's (which demo's anyway?) to change their subject! We cannot forget or forgive. Greece is everywhere. Anarchists don't know borders. Their fight is our fight! | mobilisation | worker - 10.12.2008 17:31
Fact is that many of the reason that are quite pressing for the greek comrades to come out to the street and fight , do not (or only to a much lesser extend) exist in other european countries,especially in the north west. Dutch students and workers are not so politizized , because their social situation is much better than is greece (or italy for example). If the greek parlamentary, sindical and direct action left wing groups get their demands met ( good salary, working social security, police force that respects the law etc), the radical elements will be quickly marginalized, as it has happened in the rest of europe. The squatters are a story apart, as the housing crisis is a fact, as well as the dutch system of 'legal' squatting (and per consequence the housing oppotunism of the much larger group of anti squat guards) provides an rather non confrontative environement to tackle the problems. Whenever there is an exceotion to this pacified (and satisfying ?) normality, there is big mobilizations. Just think about Paris and the CPE or the burnuing cars in the suburbs even here in the dutch cities. | Actions of Solidarity all over Europe | tom - 10.12.2008 21:40
(source: indymedia UK) Protesters have also taken to the streets all over Europe. In London activists blocked the entrance of the Greek Embassy for several hours on Monday 8th, and it was effectively closed down for most of the day. The blockade ended with at least two arrests. See full report and photos in IMC-London [BBC Video] Protests also took place in Newcastle [Pics] and Edinburgh, and there are also reports of actions taking place in Bristol. In Germany there have been protests in several cities, including a solidarity demo in Berlin where the Greek embassy was also occupied (de) for the whole day. Demonstrations also took place in Hamburg (de), Dresden (de), Bremen (de) and Cologne (de), whilst the consulate in Cologne (de) was attacked with red paint. The same as in Bologna (It) where the Greek consulate was blockaded and attacked with red paint. In Venice (It) activists occupied the Greek Institute and Consulate. Further calls for solidarity demos have been made in Glasgow, Dublin and Barcelona (sp). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actions of solidarity in Scandinavia 10.12.2008 12:43 There will be actions of support today (Wednesday) in Stockholm (13:00), Oslo (16:00) and Copenhagen (19:00). Jonas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Venice: occupied the Greek Institute of Ellenic culture and Greek consolate 10.12.2008 16:22 Venice - A morning of action in solidarity with the protests that are ongoing in Greece after the killing of Alexandros, shot dead by a policeman. In Venice activists from Morion, Rivolta and Predo social centres occupied the Greek Institute of Ellenic culture. Demonstrators took Greek flag down and hanged banners that say “killers”. A few minutes earlier a similar action took place at the Greek embassy. Press release: Past Saturday, November 6th, during a students’ demonstration a special squad cop shot three times and killed Alexandros. A 15 year-old boy shot dead with a “legal” gun. This happened in Athens, the home of western democracy, neighbourhood of Exarchia, symbol of resistance againt fascist regime. Since them men and women, both activists and not, rushed in the streets rioting to express their dissent. Rage is spreading everywhere from Thessaloniki to Patrasso in all corners of Greece. But also around Europe where movements are expressing solidarity to the ones that live and struggle in Greece. This is why today we wish to bring the voice of Greek activists in Venice. The Ellenic State and its government is today a symbol of lack of culture and humanity, whereas police brutality and repression tries to stop an important huge protest that is spreading to thousands of pleople. As it happened in Genoa during 2001 anti-G8 demonstrations shooting a boy dead is their reason…which we shall never accept. Immediate freedom to all activists jailed in Greece. Resignation of Karamalis government and of police. Justice for Alexandros. Morion, Rivolta and Pedro social centres globalproject.info Homepage: http://www.globalproject.info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- solidarity actions all over Germany 10.12.2008 18:52 After the police murder of a greek comrade in Athens, solidarity actions widen in all Germany: from the big cities to the small towns, many take the streets these days. No matter if in big cities or small towns, action take place everywhere. Here a short report about what was going on until now – more to come within the next days. Our solidarity does not know any border – acab everywhere! Enraged individuals Sunday 7.12 Berlin: spontaneous demonstration with 200 people in teh district of Kreuzberg. Hamburg: spontaneous demonstration with over 100 people. Köln: paintbombs against the greek consulate. Dresden: a courthouse get its windows smashed and graffitis in solidarity with greek comrades spaypainted. Monday 8.12 Berlin: occupation of the greek consulate by a group of 30 anarchists, a banner reading “Alexander Grigoropoulos, 16 years old, murdered by the State!” was hanged from the consulate' s balcony, leaflets have been thrown on the streets and distributed, while about 70 solidarious people held a rally in front of the building. Nobody got stopped by the cops and the action finished in the evening. Pictures: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,594983,00.html Hamburg: meeting with over 70 people to discuss further moments of solidarity, spontaneous demonstration with 100 people afterwards, the banner reading “solidarity is a weapon – revolt an argument – we remember Alexander!” Pictures of both demos (sunday/monday) : http://de.indymedia.org/2008/12/235472.shtml Dresden: 50 people gather for a spontaneosu demonstration. Bremen: about 100 people demonstrate. Köln: 250 take the streets towards the greek consulate, speeches in greek and german are made about the situation, fireworks exploded against the cops, some chairs fly against some shop windows. Pictures: http://de.indymedia.org/2008/12/235255.shtml Potsdam: 60 people gather for a spontaneous demonstration, distribute flyers and explode fireworks in front of the local police station screaming “police murders”. Schnerverdingen: 25 people take the streets and distribute flyers Dresden: 30 people take the streets through the local christmas market, creating chaos by pulling down trashbins and other material on the streets, when passing in front the police station they smashed one of the cop car parked on its front. Tuesday 9.12 Leipzig: spontaneous demonstration with 200 comrades, also in solidarity to Timo, a german comrade currently under trial in Thessaloniki and the acquittance of the cops who burned the african refugee Oury Jallo in Dessau in 2005, acquittance just happened on the 8.12, cops try to stop the demo without succeding. Jena : 30 anarchists take the streets and smash a bank. Dortmund: 60 people take the streets. Frankfurt: 150 take the streets towards the greek consulate, some smashed banks on the end. Rostock: 150 take the streets, the banner reading “policemen are murders – Greece is everywhere – Genoa, Athens, Dessau”, several fireworks have been exploded against the police. Konstanz: 30 people take the streets. Hannover: 70 people make a spontaneous demonstration to the greek consulate and distribute flyers Pictures: http://de.indymedia.org/2008/12/235382.shtml Düsseldorf: 150 comrades hold a demonstration to the greek consulate, which get blocked by the cops. On Friday there is going to be a demonstration in Berlin in solidarity with the MG-defendants under trial: surely another occasion for showing solidarity... On Saturday, a demonstration will take place again in Hannover against State murders – Alexander, Oury Jallo, Halim Dener (17 years old comrade killed in 1994 by plainclothes police while putting up posters, cops got acquitted) and Michalis Kalzetas (killed in 1985 by the cops in Athens) For Sunday, perhaps a rally or a demonstration to general greek consulate in Hamburg is going to be organized. More update soon... enraged individuals | |
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