12 Dec - European Anomalous Wave protest in Den Haag European Anomalous Wave - Netherlands - 11.12.2008 16:40
After the protest in front of the italian Consulate in Amsterdam on Friday 14 November, Italian students, researchers, workers and Dutch activists, will meet up on Friday 12 December in front of the Italian Embassy in Den Haag to support the General Strike that will take place in Italy on the same day.  flyer After the protest in front of the italian Consulate in Amsterdam on Friday 14 November, Italian students, researchers, workers and Dutch activists, will meet up on Friday 12 December in front of the Italian Embassy in Den Haag to support the General Strike that will take place in Italy on the same day. For the first time after decades, students and workers from the country will protest together, blocking the whole nation against the economic policy of the Berlusconi's government. The answer of our government to the financial crisis can't be diverting money from the public sector to private banks. “We won't pay for your crisis” is the slogan shouted by italian students against the cutting down on public funding for education. In less than three months, this slogan spread rapidly through Europe. All around Europe it's now growing the awareness these problems affect not only Italian universities, but they are the effects of years of neoliberal policies privatizing education, health and social services. We call students, researchers, teachers, activists and sensitive people in Netherlands to join our tactical action to protect knowledge as a common good. Friday 12 December 2008 11.00 am Italian Embassy Alexanderstraat 12 Den Haag E-Mail: amsterdam.anomalouswave@autistici.org Website: http://www.inventati.org/europeananomalouswave |