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Greece: Call for Solidarity nn - 12.12.2008 08:26
We are the image of the Future (slogan in an Athens wall) Update 11/12 Today 22 police stations attacked by students mainly all across Athens. Big Demo in the center some Anarchists, mostly leftist and other people from the city. Many anti-cop slogans, slogans against authority in general, against the lawyer of the cop, a well known bastard that helps drug dealers and big mafia... The city center does not really work. Most of the shops are burned or destroyed. In riots also trafficlights were destroyed and that s to say really great because it is your decision when you walk and whenthe cars go...It is so beautiful to see the city center burned down...In Patission street two universities still occupied. The polytechniek university, a symbol of social fightsin Greece, cannot be really controlled by the people there. Highschool kids, or (even younger age 10years old!) come there to fight with police. Also many immigrants! Some junkies and hooligans joinalso....It is fun because some really young kids age 9 -10 ,come in the occupied universities and tell thepeople. “ Hey mister, please teach us how to make a molotov-cocktail...” Also there are hardcore riotswith the police and in the gardens of the university girls and boys kiss and pet each other...The streets around are burned. Athens' silicon valley, Stournari street with many shops with computersand electronic equipment is totally destroyed, looted. Some computers were looted , most were burned and destroyed. “Plaisio” a big computer store with three floors is burned completely. Anarchists, autonomists mainly gather in the Athens university of Economics, which is some blocksaway...There is a place of conversations, food (it's fun because when the food is over we go to the Supermarkets near, loot , give some to the people who are in the street and the rest we use in theuniversity. There also exists a media center,( a blogspo is created) a radio station is in progress, and abig room to print leaflets and brochures.The law school is also occupied by leftists, which become a bit more radical (as radical as a leftist can become)... Exarcheia, the district were the murder happened, is still barricated. There is a big burned car in themiddle of Mpenaki street in the entrance of the district. In the roads down from the occupations on the night some times it is dangerous because nazis andpolicemen work together and try to prevent immigrants from attacking and looting...The next days would so how things will go.We expect occupations of schools and universities. Theworkers are not on strike, syndicates and the communist party sabotage us a lot...Damn, after so manyyears it is still the same...And you know you have to sabotage production to destroy capitalism...Many people are arrested and the government wants to make use of the anti-terror laws, like in France for the Tarnac 9. I think now everybody can see for whom these laws are made for. The enemy within...We can say that some parts of the center have a certain autonomy...and for sure the police will not go in... Comrades in all the world, if you want to express your solidarity, which we need a lot keep on the fights in your countries and make them stronger. They are really afraid for us, believe us you can not imagine, here now we can see it clearly. Resurrection, like we read in the books really exists, we can assure you , we live it... It is Beautiful! In one night “reality”, “normality” died... It will happen to your countries soon. Make plans Be ready |
aanvullingen | Viva Anarchia | Black Flag - 12.12.2008 09:47
And not only in Greece the Black flag is waving! In Denmark anarchists attacked the police, in Spain shops were destroyed, in Bristol (UK) policestations were attacked, in Germany dozens of militant solidarity demos, in New York attacks against counselates and banks, Den Haag 200 peaceful(!!!)protestors and Nijmegen 40 protestors. And more protests and attacks will probably come. There are no borders, the fight is anti-national. People are waiting for more calls for protests from our Greek friends in Holland. We have to take to the streets! | Holland | nn - 12.12.2008 14:44
The kerkstraat 61 (Amsterdam) Griekse national organisation for toerismin Holland also have some new colors in solidarity with greece | Russia | nn - 12.12.2008 20:57
In Russia things are also getting hot: On the December, 10 a molotov cocktail was thrown to the Greek embassy in Moscow and set it on fire. On the December 12, anarchists hold ACAB demo in Moscow which started from the notorious police station Sokolniki (where at spring 2008 torches of anarchists took place) to the Greek embassy. About 100 people participated the demo with banners, pyrotechnics, shouting anti-cops slogans on the way attacking banks with paint bombs and making anti-cops graffiti on the walls. Nobody was arrested. | |
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