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The Bank, dead as a rock verplicht - 17.12.2008 05:41
Hey Mr. Banker, Merry Fucking Christmas!!!1  In the wake of the upcoming crisis, we find very rude, shameful and arrogant to put up such a huge advertisement "The bank,solid as a rock",and we decided to apply a reality filter to it. Even the most solid bank can change its word overnight Herengracht w/ Utrechtsestraat, Amsterdam. |
Lees meer over: globalisering media wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | klopt niet | anarchist - 17.12.2008 14:29
'The Bank' is een verzamelgebouw voor kleine (nonprofit-)organisaties en startende bedrijfjes. Het is dus geen bank. | The Bank | NN - 17.12.2008 18:15
If you look at the website www.thebankamsterdam.nl, lik it sais on the poster you've been working on, you'll find out its not a bank (moneybank). This building is called the bank, and people can rent space for there businesses there. Maybe you should do more research the next time, e.g. just go to website the poster is referring to. Website: http://www.thebankamsterdam.nl | we are not f**king stupid!!! | nn 007 - 17.12.2008 19:33
U are right. the thing is that our aim wasn't a building or what's going to be there (yes we did a research on it don't worry) it was the banner itself. The message this banner was sending to people was poking our eyes so much that we decided to adjust it a little bit. We didn't state that it was an action directed against the building or a whole project. We just found a nice (BIG) opportunity to use their banner and send our message. | |
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