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Konstantina Kuneva attacked with sulfuric acid… stapsa - 28.12.2008 01:40
Konstantina Kuneva is a Bulgarian migrant worker in Athens. She is also the secretary of the Union of Housekeepres and Cleaners. On the 24th of December, she has been attacked with sulfuric acid in front of her home by two men. She has been admitted in a hospital in a critical condition. She has burns on her face, head, hands and back and there is a possibility that she will lose her sight. The events before the attack and the testimonies of her fellow unionists and workers show clearly is a punishment for her strong union activity. The Union is one of the most active workers’ unions within what euphemistically is called precarious labour: in other words, Konstantina is a migrant and a severely underpaid and unprotected worker, who decided to join a union in order to struggle against the inhuman conditions imposed to her and her fellow workers. Behind the attack are her employers and their heavies, who have been threatening Konstantina and other women for their activity in the union. The everyday terror of bosses targets clearly individuals and unions that resist the wage slavery. This is the bank account for raising money to help Konstantina in her very difficult condition. 5012 019021 277 PIREOS BANK DECHEVA ELENA KUEVA KOSTADINKA NIKOLOVA Here is the blog (in greek) set up by people who occupied the central office of the Overground metro in AThens (ÇÓÁÐ), where Konstantina worked. It features texts to be disseminated in other languages as well. |
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