Song for struggling greece @@ - 29.12.2008 01:52
S1 - Stand up - Stand up - S1 The site where i found it is this : (I don't know if i did it right, else fix it) The lyrics are: S1 - Stand Up I feel this stench coming close poisoning the air, their intent is to intoxicate us, but we're breading it instead. We're part of a generation that grew up used to this smell, apathetic to the fact that we're all living in hell. Tired of a revolution lost to their drugs we now retaliate harder when the smoke hits the lungs. We're sons and daughters of fathers and mothers, held captives by their own belief in lies and false promises. They tell you quality of life comes from having a job and that life is in fact random, not created by God. And you believe them.. They strip you out of the purpose of life, and blur your vision, so you can't see that there's still One God despite the corruption of men in the roman religion. They separate human beings from animals and nature, make you think they exist to serve us because we're greater. So you can't see we're all part of the same whole, same purpose, same origin, same soul. Because that's bad for business, you ought to see no reason you're here for so you'll work twice as hard and shop a whole lot more. Chorus: They can't possibly understand how much hate i really mean when i say i hate you, and i burn you in my dreams. We will attack their corporations and rest only when they're dead It's not Greece, it's not a week, it's forever, it's everywhere. I throw a Molotov cocktail at the precinct, just like Dead Prez did, and celebrate like mad man on cops funeral days. Because that's a war going on, it's not compassion they give they lock you down in torture center Guantanamo Bay. See there's a price you pay for getting freedom to the enslaved, when freedom is bought and sold in market exchange. When 1 per cent of the people alone, own 40 per cent of the wealth in the world. When hundreds of millions of people die from starvation so that people can eat meat in western civilization, It means something is very wrong with the world today so we're ready to take it back for my people in the world today. Because there's no signs of slowing down from the one's that are in power so we attack them at their meetings and make it fucking sour We take pride of the terror labels they put on our back because terrorist by definition is one bad thing but not when applied to the situations we live in. Chorus: They can't possibly understand how much hate i really mean when i say i hate you, and i burn you in my dreams. We will attack their corporations and rest only when they're dead It's not Greece, it's not a week, it's forever, it's everywhere. This is the sweet sound of the system collapsing the burning rage of the righteous in the streets reacting. Restless from attacking the ones the systems feeds, destroying their property, of making the system bleed. This is an all out bloody war in solidarity for our brothers and sisters murdered by the enemy. For my people in mexico, france, palestine, greece for Rachel Corrie, Jill Phipps and Carlo Giuliani, for every single bullet shot cold blood by the pigs, let us take this moment to honor you, rest in peace. There's no excuse for siding yourself with the enemy, that's why traitors should be hanged violently, abandoned in the hell fire that's how cops should be. We will return to the forests whether you like it or not, S-1 muslim, whether you like it or not, To all the greek warriors standing strong in the streets, the back plumes of burning banks reach far from Greece. And we smile, because it's our time, we're back on our feet And this time we'll not surrender, we'll not retreat. Chorus: They can't possibly understand how much hate i really mean when i say i hate you, and i burn you in my dreams. We will attack their corporations and rest only when they're dead It's not Greece, it's not a week, it's forever, it's everywhere. |