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Unconventional Weapons used against the People of Gaza Akram al-Sattari - 07.01.2009 09:55
This report confirms that these attacks are quite deliberately directed against civilians, using new unconventional weapons.   Editorial note: This report confirms that these attacks are quite deliberately directed against civilians, using new unconventional weapons. This is a carefully planned humanitarian catastrophe. How can anybody in their right mind support the actions of the Israeli government. Read this interview with a distinguished and courageous Norwegian doctor. Here are some of the highlights: "The Israelis are using a new type of very high explosive weapons which are called Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) and are made out of a tungsten alloy. These weapons have an enormous power to explode." "these weapons will have a cancer effect on those who survive. They will develop cancer we suspect." "All that is happening in Gaza here now is against international law, it is against humanity" "Almost all of the patients we have received have these sever amputations. They seem to have been affected by this kind of weapon. Of course, we have many fragment injuries and burns but those who have got their limbs cut off, constitutes quite a large proportion. You know we have a lot to do. Palestinian doctors, nurses and paramedics do an incredibly heroic job to save their people. Doctor Eric and I are just a small drip in the ocean, but we learn from them." And then decide where do you stand. We stand with the people of Palestine whose lives are being destroyed. We stand in solidarity with their struggle. We stand for humanity against the US-Israeli war criminals. Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, January 5, 2009 ----------------------------------------------- Doctor Mads Gilbert is a member of a Norwegian triage medical team present in the besieged Gaza Strip. The team has exposed that Israel has used depleted uranium weapons in its war on the impoverished territory which is home to 1.5 million Palestinians. He described the conditions inside Gaza in an exclusive Press TV interview. Press TV: What can you tell about the uranium findings? Dr. Mads Gilbert:The findings about the uranium I cannot tell you much about, but I can tell you that we have clear evidence that the Israelis are using a new type of very high explosive weapons which are called Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) and are made out of a tungsten alloy. These weapons have an enormous power to explode. The power of the explosion dissipates very quickly and the strength does not travel long, maybe 10 meters, but those humans who are hit by this explosion, this pressure wave are cut in pieces. This was first used in Lebanon in 2006, it was used here in Gaza in 2006 and the injuries that we see in Shifa [Hospital] now, many many of them I suspect and we all suspect are the effect of DIME weapons used by the Israelis. On the long term, these weapons will have a cancer effect on those who survive. They will develop cancer we suspect. There has been very little research on this but some research has been among other places in the United States, which show that these weapons have a high tendency to develop cancer. So they kill and those who survive risk having cancer. Press TV: And what do you have to say about this? Dr. Mads Gilbert: All that is happening in Gaza here now is against international law, it is against humanity and I think it is against what it means to be a decent person. You don't treat other people like this. Even if you disagree with him… maybe even if you fight with them, you don't treat civilians, children and women like this. And I have an appeal to the Israeli doctors and nurses. They are my colleagues. We belong to the same international community, the medical community. I wish that the good doctors and nurses in Israel tell their government to stop these atrocities. We cannot continue with this. We may differ in opinions, but you cannot treat the civilian Palestinian population in Gaza in this way. Today, they were bombing in Gaza City; we received 150 wounded and more than 50 killed. Press TV: Only at Shifa?! Dr. Mads Gilbert: Yes, here in Shifa. I treated a ten-year-old boy. He had his whole chest filled with fragments from the bomb. On his lap was another person's leg that had been cut off. We resuscitated him and did everything we could do to save his life but he died between our hands. This is such a terrible experience and behind the numbers that you report all the time, there are human beings, families, women, grandmothers, children. That is in fact the reality in this situation. Those who are paying the price for the Israeli bombardments now are the common people, the Palestinian people. Half of the population in Palestine are below 15 years and 80 percent of the people in Gaza live below the level of poverty defined by the UN. Now they don't have food, they don't have electricity. It's cold they don't have warmth and in addition to that, they are killed. This must be stopped. Press TV How many people did you see that are effected by this weapon? Dr. Mads Gilbert: Almost all of the patients we have received have these sever amputations. They seem to have been affected by this kind of weapon. Of course, we have many fragment injuries and burns but those who have got their limbs cut off, constitutes quite a large proportion. You know we have a lot to do. Palestinian doctors, nurses and paramedics do an incredibly heroic job to save their people. Doctor Eric and I are just a small drip in the ocean, but we learn from them. Unfortunately, we don't have the time to do research, we have to save lives, but this question should be researched by the international community. Homepage: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=11636 Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 1: http://cryptome.info/0001/gaza-kill/gaza-kill.htm Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 2: http://cryptome.info/0001/gaza-kill/gaza-kill2.htm Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 3: http://cryptome.info/0001/gaza-kill/gaza-kill3.htm Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 4: http://cryptome.info/0001/gaza-kill/gaza-kill4.htm Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 5: http://cryptome.info/0001/gaza-kill/gaza-kill5.htm Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 6: http://cryptome.info/0001/gaza-kill/gaza-kill6.htm Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 7: http://cryptome.info/0001/gaza-kill/gaza-kill7.htm ----------------------- Videos of Israeli attacks: http://www.4law.co.il/egoz2.html |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme militarisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | verarmd uranium (DU) | Henk van der Keur (LAKA) - 07.01.2009 10:39
Ik denk niet dat Israël wapens met verarmd uranium heeft gebruikt. Na de oorlog met Libanon werd ook gemeld dat Israël grote bommen met uranium zou hebben gebruikt. Daarvan is echter geen enkel bewijs gevonden. Het is weer dezelfde groep mensen die nu weer beweren dat Israël die wapens zou gebruiken. De leugens van het communistische International Action Center, van Doug Rokke, Dr. Chris Busby, Dai Williams en andere clowns worden weer wijd en zijd verspreid. Het zou gaan om de bunkerbusters van het type GBU-39. Er zijn patenten bekend dat deze bommen ook DU kunnen bevatten. Nochtans is er geen enkel bewijs dat dit subtype bunkerbuster wordt gefabriceerd, laat staan gebruikt. Ik vermoed dat de Noorse arts slachtoffer is van deze propaganda. Het gebruik van wapens met fosfor, DIME en clusterbommen door het Israëlische leger in Gaza is bewezen, maar de kans dat er wapens met uranium zijn gebruikt is praktisch nihil.
| DU | Chaoss - 07.01.2009 14:45
Zover ik kan zien probeert de interviewer de dokter iets in de mond te leggen. Diens (de dokter) eerste commentaar daarop is ook dat de dokter daar weinig op kan zeggen, maar des te meer kan zeggen over verwondingen ontstaan door een nieuw type explosief. | Onzekerheid | Rimbaud - 09.01.2009 11:46
Ik ben ook van mening dat de kennis over het gebruik van verarm uranium nihil is, maar mensen afdoen als clowns getuigd nou niet van respect, en Henk jij weet het ook nog niet zeker. De kans is weleenswaar bijna nihil, maar dat wil niet zeggen dat die kans niet bestaat. We moeten nog afwachten en daarna kunnen we de informatie relativeren. En ik kan niet om het feit dat het lijkt alsof je hun afdoend als clowns, vanwege het feit dat ze aangesloten zitten bij het communistische International Action Center, ik vind dat enigszins vreemd. | |
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