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Stop the biggest neo-nazi march in Europe!(Dresden) UNITED against racism - 09.01.2009 15:45
Come to Dresden on 14 February 2009 On 14 February 2009, right-wing extremists from all over Europe will once again gather for their annual 'mourning march' in Dresden (D) - UNITED and the local platform Geh Denken calls for your help to stop the largest meeting of the European right-wing extremist movement! In 2008 a frightening crowd of more than 6000 neo-nazis from Germany and foreign allied brotherhoods were mobilised for the largest gathering of the European right-wing extremist movement. Under the guise of commemorating the victims of the air raids against Dresden 13-15 February 1945, right-wing extremists claim the streets of Dresden to spread defamatory propaganda and gain public acceptance. Beside that, this self-declared 'March of mourning and commemoration' forms the highlight of a several days lasting network meeting of the right-wing extemist movement - where neo-nazis can get organised and receive ideological training. UNITED calls for international support to make an end to the silent acceptance of this neo-nazi demonstration in the state of Saxony. We need your help to confront the neo-nazis in the streets of Dresden with active (peaceful) resistance and to create international pressure on the authorities of Dresden and Saxony. The city's official remembrance concept - a 'silent commemoration' - lacks a clear stand against modern right-wing extremism: LETS BREAK THE SILENCE! In any case, the regional platform 'GehDenken' (Go and Think/Commemorate) together with UNITED is organising counter-actions in the streets of Dresden on 14 February 2009. Get united under the common title 'Commemorate - a clear STOP to right-wing extremism' and join forces in Dresden on 14 February 2009. Get active together - use the opportunities! Since some years, there have been a wide variety of activities against the march of right-wing extremists in Dresden. In 2006 the neo-nazi march was blocked successfully, but finally it was redirected and continued under rigorous protection of German police forces. In 2007 and 2008 German police guarded the way of this scandalous neo-nazi march, against the persistent protest of the anti-fascist movement. In 2009, we call the European anti-discrimination movement to mobilise their forces to set an end to this public celebrated right-wing extremist procession. Join us in the streets of Dresden on 14 February 2009 to stop the biggest annual neo-nazi gathering throughout Europe - peacefully and determined! WHAT YOU CAN DO * Inform all your contacts about this counter-action (translate this call and spread it in your country; use your newsletters / websites / mailing lists etc. to make this call for action visible to as many activists as possible) * Organise buses, get your friends and come to Dresden on 14 February 2009 * Support our public call with signatures and/or statements of support from you or your organisation (just send an email to info@unitedagainstracism.org and orga@geh-denken.de) * If you want to participate please inform us as soon as possible (we will try to organise budget accommodation) More information under: http://www.geh-denken.de/joomla/international.html Get in contact with us: Preparation group 14 February 2009 'Geh Denken' phone +49-351-5636669
orga@geh-denken.de - http://www.geh-denken.de UNITED for Intercultural Action Postbus 413 - NL 1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778 - fax +31-20-6834582
info@unitedagainstracism.org - http://www.unitedagainstracism.org THOSE, WHO CLOSE THEIR EYES FOR RIGHT-WING EXTREMISM, AGREE WITH IT! In this year Dresden marks the kick-of for the 'super election year 2009' and far right groups will exploit the public platform for political propaganda. Under the patronage of the German authorities this annual neo-nazi gathering in Dresden mainstreams right-wing extremism, destructs democracy and corrupts the country's political conviction. It is simply a SCANDAL that police is protecting the biggest neo-nazi gathering in whole Europe and that Dresden's authorities accept that right-wing extremists are taking over places and topics of remembrance. We shall not allow any propaganda platform to right-wing extremists. This self declared 'March of mourning and commemoration' of neo-nazis from all over Europe has nothing to do with freedom of speech! The neo-nazi party NPD (National Party Germany), one of the co-organisers of this march, refers to the destruction of Dresden in 1945 as a 'bombing Holocaust', comparing the air raids with the murder of millions of Jews. Banners, flags and public speeches at the neo-nazi gathering openly relativise the nazi crimes, downgrade the Holocaust, glorify nationalism and 'mourn' the territorial losses of the 'Third Reich' after the 2nd World War. CONTRADICT HISTORICAL REVISIONISM! Right-wing extremist mass events like in Dresden promote the entrance into the anti-democratic movement among the participants, celebrate the brotherhood of a supposed national-socialist identity and provide a networking platform for right-wing extremists from all over Europe. Such revisionist remembrance events strengthen the traditional lines towards the historical National Socialism. Equalising the victims of the air raids on Dresden and the victims who died in the concentration and destruction camps downplays and trivialises the Holocaust. While Leningrad (RUS), Rotterdam (NL) or Coventry (GB) were targets of the German war of aggression and destruction, Dresden was bombed in the course of the ending of Hitler's national-socialist tyranny. Many right wing extremists argument that the bombing of Dresden was rather aimed to 'take revenge' on the civil society in Germany than targeted at military and industrial areas. Far-right politicians in Germany have sparked a national debate by promoting the term "Bombenholocaust" ("holocaust by bomb") to describe the raids. In order to oppose the extreme right propaganda, the difference between the Holocaust and the bombing of Dresden may not be blurred. *********************************************************** We depend on YOUR help in 2009! UNITED is not rich and has no stable income ! Though far most of the work at the UNITED secretariat is done voluntary - still money is needed to keep the network functioning in 2009 and to secure the cooperation and information flow throughout Europe. Your donation is most welcome: - in cash to UNITED Postbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam - by bank (preferable) to: UNITED, Postbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam Account: IBAN NL77PSTB0002343715, BIC: PSTB NL2A - Bank: Postbank, Postbus 1800, NL-1000 BV Amsterdam (From NL: postbank 2343715) *********************************************************** UNITED is the pan-European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees, supported by over 560 organisations in 46 European countries. How to join the network: see www.unitedagainstracism.org 'joining the network' UNITED E-NEWS is an irregular email service to over 9000 organisations and contact persons active in the working fields: anti-racism, refugee support, anti-fascism, against antisemitism, migration, minority issues, intercultural youth work, against nationalism etc. Regular postal mailings, containing publications such as Addressbook Against Racism, Calendar of Internationalism, Campaign reports, Posters etc. are sent to over 2400 European organisations. If you also would like to receive this mailing: see www.unitedagainstracism.org 'joining the network' ---- You have received this E-news because your organisation or institution is listed in the UNITED online database and/or Addressbook Against Racism; you have attended a UNITED event; have participated in a UNITED campaign; are a partner in the working fields above; and/or have expressed an interest in UNITED network's issues. To be removed from future mailings, just reply to this message with 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. If you want to receive a copy of E-news to your own (private) email address, just send a message from that address with 'subscribe' in the subject line. (UNITED does not publish private (email) addresses) ---- UNITED for Intercultural Action European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees Postbus 413 - NL 1000 AK Amsterdam - phone +31-20-6834778 - fax +31-20-6834582 - info@unitedagainstracism.org - www.unitedagainstracism.org E-Mail: mgriks@riseup.net Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen |  | Zwijgen is toestemmen! | Antifa - 09.01.2009 16:07
De bovenstaande oproeper heeft gelijk: Zwijgen is toestemmen! Kom naar Dresden toe in Februari. Naast de Geh-Denken en UNITED vreedzaam doch weerbaar-demo zullen ook vele antifascisten afreizen naar Dresden voor een wat steviger tegenbeweging. Organiseer je eigen club! Leen een auto, vraag je vrienden mee en HUP naar Dresden. Het is heel belangrijk dat er een internationaal tegengeluid komt tegen deze grootste nazi-demo sinds jaren. Wacht niet op een oproep van AFA-landelijk want die komt waarschijnlijk niet. Organize yourself! En laat je ajb niet afschrikken door horror-verhalen over de duitse smeris. Ik verkies nog altijd liever een duitse smeris over een nederlands stille-team bijvoorbeeld. Antifascisme betekent aktief tegen racisme, homofobie, seksisme en uitsluiting van minderheden vechten! | bus? | nn - 10.01.2009 11:19
zijn er mensen van plan zijn met een bus(je)te gaan? zo kunnen mensen die mindere abiliteit hebben qua vervoer (geen auto, geen vrienden direct in de buurt of die meekunnen etc.) ook nog mee. | Liften | Fulltime Hitchhiker - 10.01.2009 13:42
As a person with many contacts in Germany I often go to and from Germany. Hitchhiking is the way for me to get there. It does not take longer then is usual with the car, its free, ecofriendly and you get to spread your message! :) ----- Aangezien ik nogal wat vrienden heb in Duitsland reis ik vaak op en neer. Ik lift elke keer. Het neemt net zoveel tijd in als gewoon met de auto gaan, het is gratis, beter voor het milieu en je kan ook nog eens je boodschappen verkondigen! :) | Dresden | Antifa - 13.01.2009 14:48
Right now people are trying to charter a bus. Please be patient for a couple of more days. "We" will let it be known here on Indy. Not-organised Antifa. (are we ever?) | |
aanvullingen | |