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usa admits to brain entrainment program geral - 11.01.2009 03:54
See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on:
http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings
http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement
http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link:
http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com |
Lees meer over: globalisering | aanvullingen | nst human beings, and more particularly again | [The links as shown below on my world in a b - 11.01.2009 11:02
See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com See usa's admission of a macabre, high tech assault program against humans; then, see my reports.thank you kindly. Nueronal Entrainment, An Admission by geral See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate. The fbi prevents me from posting the following information on my site to date to date The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran: This is the site that the fbi does not want the data to be seen on: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html Note that under the Psychoelectronic bombardment section (at world in a box), there are several links; here is one more very important link to add to the list. [The links as shown below on my world in a box page are the locations which the fbi prevents the data from appearing]: 1) C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI-Army_Bacteriological_Warfare-Weapons .pdf 2) Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_FOIPA_EffectOnLawEnforcement_2004.pd f 3) Psychoelectronic bombardment If link is removed, put http in front of the following link: ://www.governmentattic.org/docs/USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications_1998.pdf> or see the following link: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2009/01/30585.php - E-Mail: gsosbee@gmail.com Website: http://www.sosbeevfb | |
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