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Problems in Poznan/Rozbrat -PL-Again!!!! matka teresa - 15.01.2009 09:53
www.rozbrat.org I was supposed to send only the communique but many things are going on today in Poznan: Three anarchists from Poznan's Anarchist Federation were arrested today during Israeli ambassador's speech at Poznan's University. The University held a meeting during which some Polish citizens were supposed to be awarded for their aid to Jewish people during WWII. When the Israeli ambassador started his speech anarchists unfurled a banner saying "Stop the slaughter in Gaza" and started to shout anti-war slogans (also in Hebrew). Then one man from the audience attacked the protesters, the people gathered in the hall started to pull the fighting people apart. The cops who were outside of the university walked 6 anarchists out of the hall, three of them were arrested and charged with an assault on Israeli journalist (he was taken to the hospital). There is a solidarity picket taking place in front of Poznan's police station now. ----------------- Rozbrat squat communique Today morning a bailiff together with locksmiths, assessor and cops came to Rozbrat squat. After negotiations with a group of squatters the assessor was let in and took photos of the ground but was not allowed into any of the buildings. It turned out the proce estimation made a year ago had to be done again. We found out that the previous price of the ground is 6 million zlotys (1,5 million euro) and the new one is supposed to be higher. Also, we were told that the auction of the ground can take place within 3 months. We keep our eyes open and will let you know when the mobilization moment comes. www. rozbrat. org E-Mail: gowegan@poczta.fm |
aanvullingen | -- | Autonoom - 18.01.2009 15:12
Keep up the good work, direct action grass roots reaction! | |
aanvullingen | |