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English version | Target - 15.01.2009 16:26
Introducing: Target Café Amsterdam Join us at “Target Cafe” every last Wednesday of the month, starting on Wednesday 28 January in De Peper, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam. Doors open at 19.30, cafe starts at 20.00. Come to Target Cafe to get information about the upcoming actions against NATO’s 60th anniversary celebrations. This ‘celebration’ will take palce at the beginning of April [geen specifieke data?] in and around Strasbourg. Broad coalitions of anti-military activists are already plotting to use this ‘celebration’ to launch the beginning of the end for 60 years of ongoing war and imperialism. Each cafe will take on a different topic and will bring together information, analysis, history, fun, inspiration and time and space for local initiatives and networks. The format will be: - Update on the anti-NATO mobilization so far - Announcements about local actions/initiatives - History of resistacne to NATO/anti-military movement - An exciting and suspenseful pub-quiz! Topics: 28 January: general introduction to the history and role of NATO in global politics, with emphasis on foreign interventions and the role of NATO in the Netherlands. 25 Febuary: The “European border security[control?]” Frontex en migration control. 25 March: The international security infrastructure and NATO’s role in constructing and maintianing it. Target Cafe will also discuss other major upcoming mobilizations, including actions against the G20 summits and the restructuring of the global economy. The monthly Target Cafe will continue after the april anti-NATO mobilization to focus on these and othe mobilizations if there is enough energy and interest. Tell everyone and come in droves.[?] [Zegt het voort en komt massaal.] more info:
http://www.globalinfo.nl Website: http://www.gipfelsoli.nl | |
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