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ISC Resolution on Gaza ISC - IWW - 16.01.2009 15:05
The International Solidarity Commission (ISC) of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Resolution on Gaza. Saturday 10 January 2009 The International Solidarity Commission (ISC) of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) condemns in the strongest possible terms the military attack by the Israeli state and IDF on the 1.5 million Palestinian people living in the Gaza strip. This attack has included sustained indiscriminate aerial bombing of urban population centers, schools, mosques, hospitals and other civilian infrastructure. Hundreds of civilians have been killed and injured, and homes have been destroyed. This attack is a form of collective punishment by the Israeli state against the people in Gaza. This attack on the people in Gaza is barbaric and represents an attack on the working class in all countries. The ISC condemns the 18-month siege against the population in Gaza which has prevented food, electricity, medical supplies, and other basic necessities from reaching the people of Gaza and crippling the economy. This form of collective punishment against the people of Gaza is barbaric and represents an attack on the working class in all countries. The ISC condemns rocket attacks fired into southern Israel by various factions in Gaza. These attacks have killed and injured Israeli civilians. This form of collective punishment against the people of southern Israel represents an attack on the working class in all countries. The ISC recognizes the urgency and massive scale of the current attacks and mass murder against the people of Gaza by the Israeli state. It is estimated that 850 Palestinians in Gaza and 13 Israelis have died so far. The IWW is a revolutionary international industrial union that works to build unity of workers and working class people across all borders, occupations, industries, religions, races and nationalities. The IWW stands, and has always stood against all wars. Wars are caused by capitalist governments, and anti-working class leaders and movements, for the economic and political benefit of the ruling elites. We the working class are made to fight each other against our own interests. The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. The working class have no borders. An injury to one is an injury to all. The ISC extends our total and unflinching support to the people of Gaza and will work within and without the IWW to organize and mobilize support against this military aggression. The ISC will do all in our power to find ways to provide practical assistance to the people of Gaza. We extend our hands of class solidarity to all our brothers and sisters in the region in occupied Palestine, Israel, and everywhere. The ISC will continue to build links of solidarity across the region so that we may all help each other in our local struggles. Only when we unite together, and shake off the chains of oppression and injustice that divide us from each other, can we build a world with no bosses and no masters. All wars are bosses wars. Victory to the workers and people of the world! Website: http://www.iww.org |
Lees meer over: militarisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |