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Russia: Marches in memory of Stanislav and Natasya nn - 20.01.2009 21:05
Today ANTIFASCIST in St. Petersburg and Moscow to honor the memory of those killed yesterday Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburovoy. In both cities were a demonstration of radical youth.In St. Petersburg about 100 people and in Moscow about 200.      for what happened see:
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2009/01/57206.shtml Sorry for the bad translation, but speedily done from Russian: The action was announced in St. Petersburg, through blogs and activist sites opened, the collection was held in the city center, the shop verbalist to Ligovke, where in November 2005 Timur Kacharava fell under the knife from the Nazi murderers. About 100 gathered were blocked by a large number of policemen. After a while antifas still managed to negotiate with the police to hold a march and they went to Marsova fields, as had been planned in advance. In Moscow the day after the funeral at the place of murder Stasa and Nastya was another memorable evening event. First, all gathered in a square in front of the Bolshoi Theater, to express their anger and outrage killings of anti-fascists and members of social movements, as well as the fact that the authorities actually cover the murders, because most of them were not plainly investigated, the names of the perpetrators and sponsors of crimes remain hidden. However, before the start of any action, about 35 OMON (riot cops)- while screaming work, work! - attacked several small groups of young people. Apprehensions were held in a rigid form of people and people fell on the ground, beaten, kicked, presses against the cold and dirty road. In total were delayed about 15-20 people. The rest dispersed and went underground. At the nearest to the Bolshoi Theater Okhotny Ryad metro station OMON commanders and their units in civilian clothes again unprovoked attacked a group of young people, were detained 7-8 people. Similarly, young men and women fell on the marble floor, pressed kicked not allowed to stand, and then taken away. But on the third attempt antifa demonstrations did start from the underground Novokuznetskaya. 200 people took to the streets Pyatnitskaya road and moved towards the center of transparantom Nazis killed - authorities cover. At the River, the demonstration turned, passed along the embankment and turned on Bolshaya Ordynka. People chanted: “ While we are united, we will not be defeated! Go out into the street, we take the city back! Stas was supposed to live! Nastia was alive! Fascists killed, authorities cover!” In the end - After a series of attack on social activists, after the murders of young antifa, following the killing of activist and lawyer Stanislav Markelov and anarhistki and journalist Anastasia Baburovoy after the atrocities OMON, which all members have seen only a demonstration - it was not surprising that several windows and shop windows of banks, in the way of the demonstrators, as well as showcases of the company terrible food McDonald's near the metro Tretyakovskaya were trashed. Since the end of the demonstration antifa exercised their right to free travel on public transport, go to the subway Tretyakovskaya. Police tried to stop and several people were detained. The bulk of the demonstrators safely got away by subway. All the demonstrations of anger and hatred to cover the Nazi fascists and the Russian authorities took 20 minutes from 20.20 to 20.40 Moscow time, today, 20 December 2009. People are now being released after being fingerprinted and interrogated by police. For the text of leaflet and opictures see: Website: |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | flyers | nn - 20.01.2009 21:22
Text àntifa-flyers January 20, 2009, Moscow: January 19, in the center of Moscow middle of the day were killed by a well-known Moscow lawyer Stanislav Markelov and Novaya Gazeta journalist, anarchist, Anastasia Baburova. The murderer of a pistol shot them when they returned from a press conference on the release of Colonel Yury Budanov, raped and killed Chechen girl Elzu Kungaevu. Stas in this case, defended the interests of the families of the deceased. Stanislav also acted as counsel to victims in such cases as murder and kidnapping of civilians in Chechnya, the assassination of anti-fascists in Moscow and St. Petersburg, was a lawyer attacked the journalist and defender of the forest Himkinskogo Michael Beketov. In recent times, been a matter of antifascist Alexei Olesinova, still held for political reasons in short: Anastasia Baburova was a freelance journalist and active member of various social and environmental movements. In their articles they wrote about the most pressing problems of Russian society, such as Nazism. She has been personally involved in protests against the construction of incineration plants, the persecution of political and social activists, evictions of people from the dormitories. Of course, the motive for the killing Stasa and Anastasia became their active citizenship. We want to know exactly who murdered Stas and Nastya. But we have no illusions at the expense of the Russian state. Whoever it might be, they are part of the country's system of authoritarian secret service and the oligarchs who actually run over and crush all those who do not agree with their policies. In recent years, this is not the first murder committed for political reasons. Anna Politkovskaya, Ilya Borodaenko, Yuri Chervochkin, Magomed Evloev, Fedor Filatov - the list goes long. In all these cases we do not see any major moves. The Public Prosecutor's Office takes the case under its supervision and control to the real customers of murders remained at large. In this situation, we demand at the minimum the immediate resignation of Minister of Interior, along with all its clowns! We demand to cease harassment of social and political activists who disagree with the current power! We demand the real possibility of social control investigation of such crimes! We do not forget! We will never forgive!
| Respect | Autonoom - 20.01.2009 22:00
Respect, Here we can only imagine how hard it is to be an activist in Russia. And yes the message on the liquidation of a Tjechen former guirilla in Austria has been read. Draw the dots with other messages. Respect and lots of inspiration to those brave harts, we will remember!
| Anarchiste | globalinfo.nl - 20.01.2009 22:57
Baburova was tevens actieve anarchiste. Ze was net lid geworden van Autonomous Action voor ze vermoord werd, en was afgelopen september nog op het ESF in Malmo. Bij avtonom staat een korte verhaal over haar en de omstandigheden rond haar dood: http://avtonom.org/index.php?nid=2188 | |
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