OAX: Possible State Kidnapping of Abraham Ramírez El Enemigo Commun / Oaxaca Riseup list (MM) - 02.02.2009 18:10
On Saturday, January 31, at 6:00 p.m. a heavily armed commando unit of the Oaxaca state police went into the San Pedro Pochutla prison and took our indigenous comrade and political prisoner Abraham Ramírez Vásquez away in a white van with no license plates to an unknown address. Abraham and two other indigenous men, Juventino and Noel García Cruz, have been held prisoner since January 15, 2005, under the direct orders of the murderer Ulises Ruiz Ortiz (URO). Our comrades’ crime was defending their forests and their traditional practices and customs. For more than 4 years, the URO government has been unable to prove that they committed the crimes they are accused of, and accordingly, they have not been sentenced. Our comrades are members of the Committee for the Defense of Indigenous Rights (CODEDI) of Santiago Xanica, a member organization of the Magonista-Zapatista Alliance (AMZ), the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO), and adherent to the Other Campaign. It’s important to note that Abraham Ramírez is a man of deep libertarian and human convictions, which have motivated him more than once, even from inside the prison, to struggle against the prison authorities for prisoners’ rights. During all these years, Abraham has stayed in contact and written letters encouraging the people of Oaxaca to resist and not to allow their dignity to be trampled on by the killer who misgoverns this state. Prison bars have not been able to silence his rebellious voice, and he and the other two comrades held prisoner with him have sent letters and greetings to several different events initiated by the Other Campaign. Abraham is also directly involved in the organization of a popular kitchen inside the Pochutla prison due to the fact that the prisoners have no dining room in this prison. This activity has lead to harassment, hostility, and acts of aggression against him by prison authorities. In view of this situation, we ask for the sensibility and solidarity of the Mexican people and social organizations to demand that the killer Ulises Ruiz Ortiz and the right-wing Calderón government immediately present our comrade Abraham Ramírez Vásquez alive and that they release all the political prisoners of Santiago Xanica. We hold the prison warden, the governments of Ulises Ruiz and Felipe Calderón responsible for any attempt against our comrade Abraham. Respectfully yours: Alianza Magonista Zapatista. FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS OF MEXICO AND THE WORLD! -------------- El Enemigo Común
http://elenemigocomun.net Oaxaca Solidarity Alert List:
https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/oaxaca -------------- INTRODUCTION (layout changed): [oaxaca] URGENT: Possible State Kidnapping of Abraham Ramírez VásquezSunday, February 1, 2009 8:54 PM From: "Oaxaca Solidarity" detailsTo: oaxaca@lists.riseup.net Please forward, repost, and/or link! URGENT: Possible State Kidnapping of Abraham Ramírez Vásquez
http://elenemigocomun.net/2078 Communiqué from Xanica prisoners after 4 years held captive
http://elenemigocomun.net/2002 The lights of Xanica
http://elenemigocomun.net/1224 ----- To the people of Mexico To the peoples of the world To the alternative news media |