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Ideas for Vrankrijk and for good sides of squatting movement mgriks@riseup.net - 06.02.2009 13:07
I wrote this text few months ago, before anything happend and i think that maybe now it's good time to remind it again Museum Of Squatting = Exposition " Good side's of squatting movement" This is idea to show to the society and all world the positive impact from squatters from Amsterdam and all Holland. I think to get the best effect it would be good to use pictures ( mainly ), videos, internet page's, graffiti, news papers, leaflets, posters and everything what could be usefully as exponats. I think that the best place for this would be Vrankrijk, because: 1. It's in the centrum, 2. It's on the one of the most squatted part of Amsterdam 3. It has beauty full graffiti witch make it more interesting and visible 4. It's one from the most active places in Am*dam 5. It has great history which could be also exposed 6. etc. ??? The ideas what we could expose GOOD SIDES OF THE SQUATTING: 1. No emptiness 2. Less speculations = Price of the housing and the renting is lower. 3. Non commercial culture. 4. Living for free = Doing things for free. 5. Many cultural peaces are created thankful squatting movement ( Melkweg, Paradiso, OT301, Korsakoff, Tivoli, Ruigord, Van Ostade theater and complex ... and more than 150 witch as sign of solidarity hanged the banner seeing about it in 2006 ) 6. Many organizations have squatting roots or started witch great help of the movement. ( Provos, Kabouters, Schone kleren campagne, No papers Clinic, Samba Band, Groene Front, Antifa, ASKV,... - would You like to help to fill this big list ? And the others too ) 7. Many festivals started as squatters festivals ( Robodock, Landjewel, democlasch...) 8. Many cultural groups and bands began on the squats ( Silo Theater, tall bikes, Vitamin X, Circus the soleil ( ? ), The Ex, Amsterdamse Klazmer band, Caspian Hat Dans, Gewapend Beton, Hardheid, Scheinheiling... 9. Many of the social and neighborhood projects get a lot off help from the squatters ( Neighborhood centras, renters supporting groups, geveld tuinen dag, eko projects as Swomp 4, organic farms, benefits to support groups on all world, Vegetarian and eko folks kitchens and restaurants, indymedia... 10. Many of the squatters are trying to be a better people that's why many of them are : squatters, vegetarians, ecologists, activist's, antifascists, social workers, volunteers, human rights supporters, feminist's, freedom fighters, workers right supporters, anarchists, wereldverbeterars, artists, punks, musicians...) 11. The squatters are the one who are making the history of this City ( Free Vondel State, Squatting of the Handelspblad Building, Dam Sleeping Action, Provos movement, Squatting Of Rijk Museum, Declaration of independence by Swomp 4, Kalenderpanden, Silo...) 12. Squatters are the one who making this city interesting and colorful. (Spui straat, internationale squatting days, Verbinding Blok... 13. Squatting is giving possibility for living to those who can not afford to expensive prices of renting ( students, family's...). They are the one who say "No" when injustice is happening ( demonstrations for Martin and Juanra, Noise demos, Barbara smashing Pentagon stuff, demos against police brutality, Supporting almost every demonstration for freedom and human rights, not allowing fascists to demonstrate... ) 14. Squatters showing to all society that there is possible another way of living, that we don't need to live just for money to feed the greed or struggle to survive. 15.We are one of the most active and strong minority which opposite to the rest is not based on nationalism but on open multi culture. ( that's how many would like to create Amsterdam) 16. We live like family, together and helping each other. 17. We ( many of us )trying to change the world for better place. 18. Possibility of squatting is giving free space to create non commercial live for artists, activists, ecologists, family's... 19.My life, Your life, many of us life's, activists life's could be good example to show to the rest how and why we are squatting.t 20. Those who like to ban the squatting have bad intentions for society but big care for their own business ( here i would show that VVD party of " Speculators witch the empty houses" would like to ban squatting for their own business to have more freedom to keep buildings empty. This would give them more possibilities by increasing the need for a house to speculate and increase price of the renting and housing in general. Thats are just ideas. Feel free to correct , translate, complete them, add to them something, give opinion and do something to put them in to life. E-Mail: mgriks@riseup.net Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com |
aanvullingen | stop making good side and bad side | geppetto - 07.02.2009 10:58
WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO MAKE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOOD SIDE AND BAD SIDES??? STOP BEING SO FUCKING CRISTIAN!!! its the people like you showing off the good and bad side, the black and white making everything worse every day. thanks to people like you that there is no confrontation because other think at priors whats good and bad whos good or evil life is not black and white grow up and come to the streets you want to change the sort of system we have now for one completely the same, black and white, good and bad
| Goed | Dale Cooper - 07.02.2009 20:10
Lees de tekst nog eens rustig door.Het enige wat hij voorstelt is om een expositie te geven waarin de goede kanten van de kraakbeweging naar voren komen. So take it easy.... | super cool idea! | billy - 07.02.2009 21:34
that's a super cool idea!! I think it is also very much the time to do such things and show ''the good sides of squatting'' to the society. There are many things to add to your list. Great that some people still come up with such positive ideas in a time of totally fucked up hypocricy all around us. There is no pure good or bad indeed, and surely no need to define such things, ....BUT.. there are many good sides of squatting that are not being seen or are tried to be hidden. That's why i'm willing to work on this exhibition project and i'm sure there are many others who would love to contribute as much... | PVK | Bierpunks Ahoi - 09.02.2009 07:39
Hoi, uh, waarschijnlijk een beetje late reactie, maar ja, uh, als je een expositie of iets over kraken houd, vergeet dan niet om de Amsterdamse Politieke Vleugel Krakers (PVK) te vermelden. Haha, die waren ook grappig in de jaren 80. Hiep hiep ahoi, ship ahoi, lets squat another island.... | |
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