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[Adam 11.02.09] Antifa Info & Mobilisation Dresden + Maast Afa Adam - 10.02.2009 22:54
Double Trouble infoevening about the current mobilisations to Antifa actions and demonstrations in Dresden (13.02.2009) and Maastricht (01.03.2009). >INFOS Background information and presentation of current mobilisation Latest updates about demonstrations, blockades, actions Travel and accomodation tips to get there affordably and safely > EXTRAS vegan voku antifa merchandise film screening > LOCATION & DATE 11.02.2009 at 19:00 (food) and 20:00 (infoevening) Squatbar Molli / v Ostadestraat 55 hs / 1072 JB Amsterdam > MOBILISATION DRESDEN ¡No pasarán! Against Nazi-marchs on 13th and 14th of February 2009 in Dresden (Germany) During the last ten years Nazis established their biggest annual demonstration in Dresden. Up to 6.000 Nazis propagate the bombing of Dresden as „Allied Bombing Holocaust“. While passing the synagogue they are demanding vengeance and retaliation. Mayor and local government continue to put restrictions on the antifascist resistance. Nevertheless thousands of people blocked the Nazi demonstration. It is about us to stop their demonstration and take back the streets! > MOBILISATION MAASTRICHT Against the Nazi-march on 1st of March 2009 in Maastricht (Holland) The 1st of march the right wing extremist organisation voorpost wants to have a demonstration in Maastricht. We want to prevent this from happening, join us and make a fist against right-wing extremism. Voorpost is an international organisation with chapters in the Netherlands, Belgium and South-Africa. This demonstration is organized by the Dutch and Belgian chapters of voorpost. The Vlaams Belang and the fascist fraternity NSV, the NVU and other fascist organisations and groups are calling to join the demonstraton. Join the Antifa Actions in both cities, take back the streets and fight Nazis by any means necessary! The streets are ours!!! E-Mail: afa@amsterdam.nl |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen | email addres = wrong | ja - 11.02.2009 01:27
JA hoor, lekker slim: afa@amsterdam.nl klopt natuurlijk niet. Niet dat het mij iets uitmaakt, maar heel netjes is het niet: op die manier krijgt de sysadmin van gemeente amsterdam mogelijk emailtjes die onwetende lezers van dit bericht sturen naar bovenstaande adres... Ach ja. | |
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