25/2 Open Assembly about Migration nn - 22.02.2009 19:19
When: 25.02.2008 | 20:00 | English Language Title: Open Assembly on Migration Where: Marinus van der Lubbe zaal Hooglandse Kerkgracht 4, Leiden Entrance: Free/Donation  poster this evening we will focus on the theme Migration. With the help of people from the Fabel van de Illegaal (www.fabel.nl) we will talk about the history of the Dutch migration policy and actions against it. The aim of the evening is to give an overview on migration and then talk about what we can do to change it. What groups are currently active on this theme and what actions are being organized? The Open Assembly's in Leiden are bi-monthly with a growing audience. So if you want to know more about the political situation and the racist policy of the Dutch (capitalist) state and what can be done, Come and join in! On why and how the assembly was atarted: On Saturday 20th December, an open discussion about the uprising in Greece took place in De Linkse Kerk, Leiden. At the end of the meeting, the participants discussed the idea of calling an open assembly that will be held twice a month at “De Linkse Kerk” in order to discuss and work on current socio-political issues. We met on the occasion of the riots in Greece, either because we strongly felt the urgent need to “do something about it”, or we simply wanted to get informed by means other than that of the Mass Media. We soon realized that, as similar “occasions” will always occur, whenever we feel the need to take action we should not wait for some organization to call for something that we can follow. We can do it ourselves, with a simple recipe: * a steady place where we can meet: De Linkse Kerk * a fixed date: twice a month, starting on January the 7th * and our heads full of ideas… The agenda is for the assembly to decide it. It can include anything about events happening as far as Gaza in Palestine (which is currently being slaughtered by the Israeli army) up to local issues in Leiden and the Netherlands (e.g. labor, education, ecology, immigration policies, counter-terrorism laws, etc). The process of decision-making and the way that the decisions will be materialized, is again for the assembly to decide it. However, there is a broad consensus for non-hierarchical, self-organized structures and actions, based on the principles of collective cooperation and mutual aid. In this respect, the assembly is open to anyone who finds himself/herself against any form of capitalist and authoritarian suppression, anyone who wants to share views and join efforts towards a life of true freedom and direct democracy, and anyone who supports the spreading of non-commercial, grassroots information. |