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Film: Palestine - Story of a Land _ March 2nd, 20.00h Movie-W - 25.02.2009 21:27
Free Screening of film: Palestine - Story of a Land !unique opportunity to see this rarely screened documentary! (Movie-W is the arthouse-cinema of Wageningen, see www.movie-w.nl for location and additional information) Free Screening, Monday March 2nd, at 20.00h in the auditorium of Movie-W: PALESTINE - STORY OF A LAND Simone Bitton France 1993, color 120 minutes English spoken not subtitled Free Entrance Together with Studium Generale, an enthusiastic student movement and Movie W kick off this series with a free screening of the film Palestina - Story of a Land (Palestine, l` histoire d` une terre). This unique film features archive material in a thorough historical overview. Entrance is free, All welcome. Palestine - Story of a Land (Palestine, l’ histoire d` une terre) (1993) tells the story of the origin and evolution of the longstanding conflict between the Palestinians and the State of Israel. Using unique film archive material, Simone Bitton takes us back to the late 1800’s, and to the Balfour Declaration (1917) and through the 20th century up to the Olso Accords in 1993. Simone Bitton is a celebrated French documentary filmmaker. She was born in Morocco in 1955, as daughter of a Jewish jeweler, and grew up in Morocco and Israel before moving to Paris where she studied at the L’ Institut des Hautes Etudes Cinematographiques, the famous French cinema school. She has produced several documentaries including the award winning documentary “Mur” (2004), about the building and the effects of Israel’s separation wall on the West Bank. Don’t miss the unique opportunity to see this acclaimed piece of work at Movie W. The screening of Palestine – Story of a Land is presented by Movie W and Studium Generale of the Wageningen University and Researchcentre. It is the first event in a series of four in March, which has been organized by Studium Generale in cooperation with several students of Wageningen University. English Language, Free entrance. This four part series is brought to you in cooperation with enthusiastic WUR students... We are a growing group of active Wageningen University students. Following Israel’s 22-day military operations against Hamas in Gaza in December 2008-January 2009, we decided to work together to raise consciousness and build knowledge on this issue. The goal of this student movement is to encourage that people develop informed opinions and make a positive difference. Our context of reference is the parameters of international law and the framework of the United Nations. Since January we have been busy organizing ourselves and establishing a network of students within Wageningen and nationally. Together with local and national partners we are now working on several events that are to take place in Wageningen throughout the coming months. Want to get active and or share your thoughts and ideas? For updates and more details visit our weblog at: http://studentenwageningen.blog2blog.nl/ or contact us at: Student.in.actie@gmail.com. For information about the national student platform visit: http://studenten.verhefjestem.nl/ Website: http://www.movie-w.nl |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa globalisering media militarisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |