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Klimaatprotest Amerikaans Consulaat peter - 28.02.2009 21:01
A.s. maandag 2 maart vind in Washington D.C. een grote sit-in plaats bij de kolencentrale van het Capitool. O.a. wereldberoemd klimatoloog Jim Hansen doet mee en is bereid gearresteerd te worden. Kom daarom maandagochtend om 10u naar het Amerikaanse consulaat in Amsterdam (Museumplein) Hansen en de verwachte duizenden andere klimaatactivisten in de VS verdienen onze steun. Kom daarom maandagochtend om 10u naar het Amerikaanse consulaat in Amsterdam (Museumplein) waar Greenpeace, gesteund door het Haags Milieucentrum en Concerned Citizens against Climate Change, een vreedzame solidariteitsactie organiseert. Hartelijke groet, Lennart van der Linde (HMC) Zie voor verdere info hieronder + o.a. de volgende links:
http://climateprogress.org/2009/02/26/is-it-time-for-civil-disobedience-at-coal-plants-would-you-get-arrested-to-help-save-a-livable-climate-heres-your-chance-monday-in-dc/ RENEWABLES YES, FOSSIL FUEL NO. SUPPORT OBAMA AND THE WASHINGTON MASS PROTEST AGAINST DIRTY COAL Today, March 2, James Hansen of NASA, America's foremost climate scientist, will join hundreds of activists, many of them college students in an act of civil disobedience outside the coal plant that powers the US Capitol. Hansen has argued that preventing catastrophic climate change requires an end to new coal plants; now he will get arrested to make that point. The Washington protest is indirectly supported in a letter of February 26 by the heads of the Democratic majority in the Congress, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, calling on the acting architect of the Capitol to convert the Capitol power plant from coal to 100% natural gas. Barack Obama has executed a welcome U-turn in American environmental policy by making the fight against global warming one of the top priorities of his administration, and we applaud the letter by Democratic congressional leaders. But without the help of an aroused public opinion, at home and internationally, corporate energy lobbies and a business-as-usual attitude in Washington and elsewhere may block the rapid progress needed. For this reason, we express our solidarity with the effort of James Hansen and the activists of Greenpeace, the Rainbow Forest Coalition and more than fifty other civil society groups to close down the U.S. government's coal power station. In the name of our common future, we call on the governments of the United States, the Netherlands, and all other countries to halt immediately the construction of all new coal-fired power centrals, to phase out existing coal centrals and to stimulate the most rapid possible conversion to renewable energy. Greenpeace NL Haags Milieu Centrum Concerned Citizens against Climate Change |
Lees meer over: globalisering natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | |