Onderbelicht draait 69 Onderbelicht - 02.03.2009 22:45
Onderbelicht organiseert in maart twee filmavonden over vrijplaatsen. Donderdag 5 maart om 18:30 uur '69', de film van Nikolaj Viborg in De Headshop (Tweede Walstraat 92, Nijmegen).  www.69filmen.dk Ungdomshuset Blir! Length: 60 min. Language: Danish Subtitels: English Link: http://www.69filmen.dk Info "...Copenhagen is one out of many European cities in the process of being cleaned up from the inside by city councils, but the organized resistance that took place during the eviction of the Youthhouse took the conflict to a new level. '69' depicts the last 6 months of the history of the Youthhouse, seen through the eyes of the activists. Including unique inside footage from secret meetings, direct actions, riots, everyday life in the Youthhouse Collective and the eviction filmed from inside the house, this documentary movie portrays the tights between being marginalised and radicalised. The combination between a director with a background in the European diy/activist scene and a high budget movie production makes a quite controversial cocktail. Since the premier in October '69' has pulled of three awards at international film festivals for best new Nordic director, best Danish documentary and an audience award....” Soupcafe at 18.30 houres. Movie starts at 20.00 houres. Free (donations welcome). --- Onderbelicht is het kollektief van De Grote Broek dat filmvertoningen verzorgt. Tot de verbouwing klaar is, zullen de films op verschillende locaties binnen Nijmegen vertoond worden (o.a. Café de Bijstand, Extrapool en de Paraplufabriek). Voor of na iedere voorstelling zijn er extra activiteiten zoals live muziek, lezingen en discussies. Indien mogelijk is er voor de vertoning een soepcafé. E-Mail: onderbelicht@grotebroek.nl Website: http://www.grotebroek.nl/onderbelicht |