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Film: Given to the People Onderbelicht - 16.03.2009 12:27
Onderbelicht (het filmcollectief van de Grotebroek) verzorgt deel II in een kleine miniserie over vrijplaatsen. Deze keer: 'Given to the People'. The film is telling the story of the Pollok Free State. The Free State was initiated with a tree top protest against the building of the M77 motorway through Pollok Park in the early 1990s. De HEADSHOP | Tweede Walstraat 92 | Nijmegen | Donderdag 19 maart 2009 | 18.30 uur soup | 20 uur film  Pollock Freestate 'Given To The People' is a film telling the story of the Pollok Free State. The Free State was initiated by the actions of local resident, Colin Macleod, who began a tree top protest against the building of the M77 motorway through Pollok Park in the early 1990s. Over several years this grew into a series of camps across Pollok. It sought not only to block an unwanted motorway cutting through one of Europe's largest inner city public commons, land that had been gifted to the people of Glasgow, but also raised issues over the rights of local people to determine the use and development of public space - rights that many felt were being denied. Whilst the Free State was unable to stop the motorway it nevertheless succeeded in giving the people of Glasgow something far more powerful: demonstrating the ability of ordinary individuals to come together in common cause, take responsibility for their surroundings, and realise their own initiatives for transforming them. The story of the Free State is presented through a film combining original video footage from the camps, interviews with some of the many people involved, and specially composed music by the Glasgow band Foxface. --- Onderbelicht is het kollektief van De Grote Broek dat filmvertoningen verzorgt. Tot de verbouwing klaar is, zullen de films op verschillende locaties binnen Nijmegen vertoond worden (o.a. Café de Bijstand, Extrapool en in de Headshop). Voor of na iedere voorstelling zijn er extra activiteiten zoals live muziek, lezingen en discussies. Indien mogelijk is er voor de vertoning een soepcafé. E-Mail: onderbelicht@grotebroek.nl Website: http://www.grotebroek.nl/onderbelicht |
Lees meer over: Agenda natuur, dier en mens wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | |