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kraakactie Bristol(UK) hf - 19.03.2009 14:00
Squatters move in to £3million home and tell owners: 'We'll call the law if you try to evict us'  Dozens of squatters have taken over a £3million mansion – and are threatening to prosecute the owners if they try to remove them. A gang of 40 artists climbed through an open window and are living rent free in the Grade II listed building in Bristol, playing music and huddling around electric heaters. The squatters claim it is a criminal offence to remove them and they are doing the owners a favour by keeping the building warm and dry. Website: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1161753/Squatters-3million-home-tell-owners-Well-law-try-evict-us.html |
Lees meer over: wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | Dit hoort hier niet | txt - 19.03.2009 19:57
Hmm, dit is een regelrechte kopie van een artikel van de rechts populistische krant Daily Mail. Hoort niet thuis op Indymedia. | |
aanvullingen | |