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[Adam 22.03.2009] Antifa Night with filmscreening and S Autonome Antifas Amsterdam - 22.03.2009 17:27
Tonight, there will be the Antifa Night in the new squatted social center in Amsterdam Center (Piet Heinkade 2 and De Ruyterkade 153-157). > INFOEVENING about the Stolberg Antifa mobilisation On the 4th. April 2009 Neonazis call for a march in Stolberg again. Their Motto of this year is “safer living without multikulti". Background of this mobilisation is the anniversary of a deadly confrontation between Nazis and immigrants, which took place in Stolberg and one Nazi died. Neonazis take this as a reason to establish a Europe-wide event for the extreme right in order to remember the incident, glorify the "victim" as a martyr and to unify and strenghen fascist structurees in the region and far beyond. Antifas call for action to prevent the Nazimarch and mobilize to Stolberg. We provide you information about the mobilisation, background infos and more. > DOCUSCREENING "No Lager Nowhere! - Freedom Of Movement And The Right To Stay" An European film production about the resistance movement against detention camps and prisons and the European migration policy. > EXTRAS barevening with music Antifa merchandise and info stand at 8 there will be also a vegan Voku in the Social Center! > LOCATION AND DATE Date: 22.03.2009 at 20:00 Location: Social Center in Piet Heinkade 2 and De Ruyterkade 153-157 (under the recently built bridge on the level of the Muzikgebouw behind Central Station) > CHECK OUT
http://antifaamsterdam.wordpress.com/ |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme kunst, cultuur en muziek | aanvullingen | |