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25.03 - Open Assembly Leiden Assembly-er - 25.03.2009 12:14
Wednesday 25 March at 20:00 de Linkse Kerk, Koppenhinksteeg 2, Leiden Marinus van der Lubbe-zaal language English free entrance The next assembly will center around issues which flowed from the last meeting regarding refugees and immigrants. The discussion of super-exploitation and racism toward immigrants brought up more general issues involving social control and the rise of right-wing movements which typically exploit racist or anti-immigrant sentiment, such as the PVV of Geert Wilders. What are the divisive issues that the ruling class (or sections of it) use in order to divide working class solidarity and enforce their economic interests? How do we expose the "populism" of racist/fascist movements which pretend to address the interests of "ordinary people" against perceived "enemies?" And most importantly, how can our political organizing best deal with the poison spewed by these demagogues? Do we organize separate anti-racist pro-immigrant movements and concentrate on defeating these evil politicians? Or is this a concern that simply must be integrated into political organizing on all fronts? At the coming meeting, we shall address these and related questions, both from a theoretical point of view drawing from our experiences, but also leading to suggestions for practical action to be undertaken by the assembly or to be joined in. With special agenda points: 1) Anti-NATO demonstration last Saturday 2) Update eviction Koppenhinksteeg 3) Info by someone the "Group of Lawyers for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants" 4) Continuing discussion on social movements / trade unions, etc vs. the rise of right-wing groups. 5) Report from the last rally to support the Schiphol cleaners 6) Procedural discussion regarding the organization of our meetings, especially addressing problems affecting our last assembly. Wednesday 25 March at 20:00 de Linkse Kerk, Koppenhinksteeg 2, Leiden Marinus van der Lubbe-zaal language English free entrance E-Mail: dontpanic@eurodusnie.nl |
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