Solidarity with the "Caxias 25" PresosEmLuta - 27.03.2009 07:45
Day of International Action: Against the process of the "25 of Caxias" This next 2nd of April the trial of those accused of the supposed mutiny that occurred inside the prison of Caxias Portugal, in 1996, will continue. Following a two-year struggle against the conditions of their imprisonment, in March of '96 a spontaneous protest took place, because the prisoners refused to be locked up in their cells, unless they would stay only one person per cell, as they knew it was their legal "right" (the reality in those days was one of 4 or 5 prisoners per cell). After the dialogue with the directors failed, two barricades were raised, then destroyed by the anti-riot prison police which arrived very quickly at place. On the 3 following days, all the prisoners of those corridors were severely beaten, threatened, tortured and interrogated. Now, 13 years later and completely out of the context of the struggles in that time, the portuguese state still wants to convict 25 people for damages, disobedience and mutiny. (for more information on this case go to So, we make a call for one day of international solidarity, with actions in various places, against this set-up process, for the 2nd of April, the day that the second session of the trial happens in the courthouse of Oeiras. Absolution for the "25 of Caxias"! Solidarity with the rebels! Against the theft of our lives, neither courts nor prisons! if you can't do anything more, here you have the numbers, the adresses and the e-mail adresses of the bastards that try to burn the lifes of our comrades. TRIBUNAL JUDICIAL DE OEIRAS Morada: Bairro das Medrosa, Palácio da justiça - 2784-508 Oeiras - Portugal Telef: 21 4405500 Fax: 21 4411540 E-mail: (at) PROCURADORIA-GERAL DA REPÚBLICA Morada: Rua da Escola Politécnica, 140 - 1269-269 Lisboa - Portugal Telef: 21 392 19 00 Fax: 21 397 52 55 E-mail: mailpgr (at) INSPECÇÃO GERAL DOS SERVIÇOS DE JUSTIÇA Morada: Rua da Madalena, n.º 273 1149-007 Lisboa Telef: 21 880 52 00 Fax: 21 886 15 34 E-mail: correioigsj (at) DIRECÇÃO GERAL DOS SERVIÇOS PRISIONAIS Morada: Travessa da Cruz do Torel, nº1 1150-122 Lisboa Telefone: 218 812 200 Fax: 218 853 653 E-mail: dirgeral (at) PRESIDENTE DA ASSEMBLEIA DA REPÚBLICA Morada: Palácio de S. Bento 1249-068 LISBOA Telefones : 213919267/8/9 Fax : 213917434/26 e-mail: envia a partir deste formulário na página: PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA Morada:Palácio de Belém, Calçada da Ajuda, 1349-022 Lisboa (Portugal) Telefone: (+351) 21 361 46 00 Telefax: (+351) 21 363 66 03 Correio electrónico: belem (at) E-Mail: Website: |