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[amsterdam] new social center kickoff party zat 28 nn - 27.03.2009 15:03
New Autonomous social center Under the bridge kickoff party Saturday 28th from 20 on  Flyer Food at 20, bands at 21. Performance at 22: Shani Sheisse and the Anal Intruders: a duet of a guitar and a monster. Bands: The Afwassers - dishwasher HC The Hangouts - punk/adam La bandida zorra Grozni Puke - breakcore/gameboy DJs: Deka - breakbeat-old school hip hop Gialleka - rockbeat Qwerty - mashup /crapcore Visuals: VJ Revolizer Normal con Alas Nuns with Guns With Bands, DJs, VJs. De Ruyterkade 153/157 Under the bridge E-Mail: spaceinvaders@cryptodrunks.net |
Lees meer over: Agenda kunst, cultuur en muziek media wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | |