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[Amsterdam 28.03.09] Infoevening & shortfilms about MST n/a - 27.03.2009 16:16
The MST is the largest social movement in Latin America with an estimated 1.5 million landless members organized in 23 out of 26 states in Brazil Join us an informational evening and short film on the MST (Landless Workers Movement of Brazil) the largest squatting and land reform movent in Latin-America The MST is the largest social movement in Latin America with an estimated 1.5 million landless members organized in 23 out of 26 states in Brazil. The MST has squatted millions of hectares and resettled millions of families. But squatting is just the first step for the MST in developing an independent ideology that materializes in real alternatives for a sustainable way of living for the landless and the poor to live with dignity. In the face of the Neo-liberal policies that have consumed Latin-America in the last 40 years the MST has organized millions of communities of militants that have created an international model of land reform and sustainability. Join us for a talk and discussion on this inspiring movement. Another World is Possible! =>> Location and Date This Saturday 28 of May 2009 @ the new social space: De Ruyterkade 153-157 Voku will be served at 7pm and the info. The event start at 8pm. Be there or be square! |
Lees meer over: globalisering wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | |