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Anti deportatie activist op Schiphol aangehouden M2M radio - 30.03.2009 17:22
Terwijl hij op Schiphol probeerde medepassagiers en personeel te informeren over de deportatie van hongerstaker Sorab Kiladze (zie: http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2009/03/58558.shtml), werd radio M2M verslaggever Jo van der Spek vanmorgen ingerekend. Jo was al geruime tijd op zoek naar medepassagiers maar dat wilde niet erg lukken. Hij is toen begonnen met personeel te benaderen. Hij gaf aan iemand een informatiebulletin, toen plots de marechaussee achter hem opdook en hem arresteerde omdat hij zou 'flyeren'. Dit gebeurde om 9.20. Om 10 werd hij opgesloten. Na een bezoek van zijn advocaat was de marechaussee zo vriendelijk om te vergeten de deur van de bezoekruimte dicht te doen, waarop Jo eenvoudigweg naar buiten kon lopen. Zonder veters in zijn schoenen, zonder zijn bezittingen zoals zijn telefoon. Na een tijdje is hij deze toch maar gaan halen bij de marechaussee, en kon meteen weer gaan, met waarschuwing. Nu probeert hij erachter te komen of de deportatie van Sorab doorgang heeft gevonden. Hij weet alleen dat Sorab, die ernstig ziek is met hepatitis C, op het vliegtuig is gezet. Zodra meer bekend is volgt bericht. Vanavond, 30 maart, is er een info avond cq. actiebijeenkomst in Amsterdam: Onder de Brug (De Ruyterkade 157, nabij CS), om 20 uur. Zie: http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2009/03/58558.shtml Meer informatie op
http://m2m.streamtime.org E-Mail: m2m@streamtime.org Website: http://www.vertrokkengezichten.net |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa globalisering vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | De "flyer" | M2M Jo - 31.03.2009 01:49
De marechaussee ging over tot arrestatie vanwege "flyeren zonder vergunning". Maar dat heeft Jo niet ens gedaan. Hij heeft informatie willen geven om reizigers te beschermen tegen het gevaar waar de IND ze blootstelde door te reizen met een hepatitis patient die van zich af bijt. Dit is de "flyer" die hij heeft overhandigd aan personeel van de KLM, want hij vond geen passagiers voor de vlucht naar Zurich... This is the text, at least :) M2M Warning to passengers of flight KL 1957 to Zurich Mr. Surab Keladze, born 30-06-1981 in Georgia will be deported on Monday 30th of March to Zurich at 9.50 a.m. with flight KL 1957. We herewith inform the passengers of the serious risk of contamination with hepatitis C (unknown genotype). Surab will resist deportation, he needs urgent treatment in Holland. This is not available for him in Georgia. Mr. Keladze has been on hungerstrike for the last six days. He is desperately resisting his extradition from the Netherlands after having spent more than six months in detention at Schiphol Oost for being an undocumented migrant. Solidarity with the uprising in Schiphol Oost Since February 18th the detained migrants of Block L are in collective action. They want to be free. They ask for help. We invite all detainees who are put on the street to come to join us. Welcome Sufyan! In block L there are 38 men detained at the moment, in Block M a few women. Ibrahim Hassan (from Sudan), one of the leaders of the uprising in block L, has been deported last week. Supposedly he was put on the same cargo boat that brought him here from Brazil. Sali (Ghana) will be transported to the Gambian embassy in Brussels in a last attempt to obtain a laisser-passer. At least some distraction for him. A lot of new people have arrived lately. Most of them were detained at Schiphol-Oost several times before. Ali Reza Imani has been on hungerstrike for 38 days, since February 18th. He is now in the prison hospital of Scheveningen. This week he will get an interview to explain his repeated application for asylum before the court. According to his lawyer this is promising. . From PRIME's March 24 press release: The physical state of Ali Reza Imani is becoming critical. On monday 23/3 he passed out twice. He also had several nosebleeds and is losing hair. He is suffering from abdominal pain, headaches and pain in his bones. He has loss of eye sight and concentration. The critical point is nearing. The Group Rotterdam consists of six asylumseekers who were transferred to Camp Zeist after february 18,2009. After that they were brought to airport Zestienhoven pending extradition. One of them was Ali Reza Imani From the others we have no news until today. It turned out they had no phone-credit. This has been taken care of now. Www.prime95.nl Where are Nasir (Burundi), Boubakar Fafana (Mali) and Ahmed (Pakistan)? April 9th: demonstrate against the building of new detention complex at Rotterdam Airport. The revenue of the fundraising for telephone credit for the detainees is so far €661 and counting on conto ING 3452284 of Jo van der Spek, Amsterdam, Ref: M2M Hungerstrike. (Phone-credit is € 11). Thanks everybody. There is also a demand for music. Only original CD's are accepted by the reception desk. Listen to the voices of the uprising on Radio M2M, Migrant to Migrant
http://m2m.streamtime.org E-Mail: m2m@streamtime.org Website: http://www.vertrokkengezichten.net | |
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