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On the coming summit for “Afghanistan Future” in The Hague, Farshad Hoseini - 30.03.2009 18:04
Tuesday, 31st of March, Dutch government will host a summit for the Future of Afghanistan in The Hague. This summit is being organized on the suggestion of US State Department and with the presence of Ban Ki Moon, United Nation’s General Secretary, and representatives of 80 countries. In this summit, Islamic Republic has been invited for the first time to virtually play a role in the bloody game with the destiny of Afghan people over the new strategy of United States. Tuesday, 31st of March, Dutch government will host a summit for the Future of Afghanistan in The Hague. This summit is being organized on the suggestion of US State Department and with the presence of Ban Ki Moon, United Nation’s General Secretary, and representatives of 80 countries. In this summit, Islamic Republic has been invited for the first time to virtually play a role in the bloody game with the destiny of Afghan people over the new strategy of United States. Welcoming Islamic Republic and trying to tame it and integrate it into the context of foreign policies of the West, by relying on a conciliatory diplomacy, is part of the new American policy in the era of economic crisis and a political-millitary-ideologic defeat of Conservatism. Western governments and many of the participants in the summit (From Islamic Republic to US and Nato) all had a role in bringing about an insecure life for people and bundling together a government of reactionary clerics and Islamic ethnionationalists which was imposed on millions of Afghan people in the context of their absolute rightlessness and dark conditions of living. The policies of western governments in the region have virtually been a ground for the growth of Political Islam movement in the region and turning Afghanistan into a scene of conflict and competition for the two terrorist poles: Political Islam and Western governments. Different creatures, from Taliban to Karzai, were all product of such Summits. The coming Afghanistan summit is not supposed to be about an increase in the poor conditions of the people of Afghanistan. Horrendous shadow of crimes of the reactionary Islamic bands and gangs is not going to leave people and make way for a new beginning for Afghan people. These expectations just don’t fit the strategy of The Hague summit. This summit is an attempt for revision of different governments’ share of power and intervention in the region. This is a conference for conciliation of two terrorist poles and sharing Karzai government with a political and tamed branch of the Taliban. This is a conference of sending Obama’s olive branch for the Islamic Republic. Islamic Republic is itself one of the factors for destabilization and insecurity and one of the main benefactors of the criminal Islamic gangs and bands in Afghanistan. Fascistic attitude of the Islamic Republic toward Afghan refugees and immigrants in Iran is another part of the criminal policy of Islamic Republic toward oppressed people of Afghanistan. A history of three decades of bloody conflict over political power in Afghanistan has clearly proven that a human and civilized solution for saving people is not only pursued in these summits but actually happens in confrontation with them by the libertarian and humanist people. Strengthening of the left and establishment of a socialist republic is the only way to guarantee full fledged freedom and equality for citizens, wealth and happiness for everybody and forming a secular regime in Afghanistan. We call on all the humanist and libertarian people, all over the word, to protest against two terrorist poles and the brutal havoc that they are wrecking upon Afghan people and to support Secularism and realization of Freedom, equality and humane and socialist goals in Afghanistan. For ferture information and contact with media please do not hesitate to call: Farshad Hoseini (Iranian political activist) English language: 0633 602 627 Bahman Khani: (Iraanse political activist) Nederlandse taal: 0651273261 Dr. Abdolqader Peyman (from worker-Socialist of Afghanistan) Dutch and English: 0616 732 367 The Abroad Organization of the Worker-Communist Party of Iran – Netherlands Branch March 29, 2009 E-Mail: farshadhoseini@yahoo.com |
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