Father of former Black Panther inmate held at Angola prison carrie reichardt - 31.03.2009 01:47
Father of former Black Panther, Kenny Zulu Whitmore, currently held in Angola prison tragically dies after house fire  The father of Angola prison inmate and former Black Panther Kenny ‘Zulu’ Whitmore has passed away after he suffered fatal injuries when his clothing caught fire from a heater, leaving much of his body badly burned. He died four days after the tragic accident, on March 13. The charismatic 84-year-old had recently visited Zulu at Angola. He will be sadly missed by his extended family and friends. Zulu was denied the opportunity of attending his father’s funeral on the basis that he is held in CCR. Solitary Confinement, although others held there have been allowed to attend family funerals in the past. Zulu commented “The have the nerve to call me a criminal, but what could be more criminal than to deny another human being the opportunity to say good-bye to his last living parent” Zulu, meanwhile, released a statement prior to his father’s death about fellow inmate Albert Woodfox, one of the ‘Angola 3’, who had his conviction overturned in a federal court last year but who remains in prison awaiting release. "I am very happy that Albert is getting his day in court. I wish justice to prevail. Given the nature of the Louisiana judicial system, it is going to be a tough fight but this time the evidence will bear out the truth. After 36 years of solitary confinement and 36 years of innocence, Albert will soon return to his family and friends. Although I will miss him because he has been my brother, my comrade and friend, I know that when he is out, he can shed light on innocent, political prisoners that are being held behind enemy lines and he will rejoin with Robert King to continue our struggle. Power to the people! Free the Angola 3! Free Zulu and all political prisoners." Please send cards of support to; Kenny Zulu Whitmore #86468 CCR, Upper C#11 LA State Prison Angola LA 70712 USA For more information go to; www.freezulu.co.uk and www.myspace.com/freezulu E-Mail: info@freezulu.co.uk Website: http://www.freezulu.co.uk |