5-ap-09 Italy Milan refuses the European radical right wings anfifa00 - 04.04.2009 06:13
The terrifying news that in Milan there will be on 5th of April a “political international event” promoted by Forza Nuova is circulating on web since weeks. During this meeting there will be the participation of the BNP (British National Party), of the FN (Front National) and of the NPD (Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands), which represent the European radical right wings, together with the Italian Forza Nuova.  z  z The terrifying news that in Milan there will be on 5th of April a “political international event” promoted by Forza Nuova is circulating on web since weeks. During this meeting there will be the participation of the BNP (British National Party), of the FN (Front National) and of the NPD (Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands), which represent the European radical right wings, together with the Italian Forza Nuova. It is known, and also declared by themselves, the racist, xenophobic, homophobic and negationist position of these organizations: the symbology, the languages and the initiatives frequently refer without ambiguity to the neo-Nazi's culture, ideas and values. Just to tell something about Forza Nuova, no less than the former Italian president Francesco Cossiga himself required the “dissolution of Forza Nuova” because of “the constitutional prohibition of recreates the fascist party on the basis of the ordinary laws” (Corriere della Sera 25/4/2001). So, while in Italy people are preparing demonstrations to celebrate the 25th of April, as not only the end of the war but also as the day of the liberation from the fascist dictatorship, Milan “gold medal for the partisan resistance” is risking to be transformed into the capital of the European Nazism. As antifascists, we believe in the democratic principles and values and in the freedom guaranteed by our Constitution. Our Constitution, freedom, democracy and the respect of human rights, which are the foundation of social and civil pact of our community, are the compass that let us understand the dangerous underestimation of those organizations and their activities, which arrogantly deny the Constitution, recalling to hate and discrimination among human being and showing an authoritarian conception of the political power, with inspiration to Nazism and Fascism. For these reason we want to speak to all men and women of the city of Milan, democratic and antifascist; we want to speak to institutions, associations, volunteers, unions and parties and ask them to sign this appeal in order to deny hospitality at the initiative promoted by Forza Nuova in our city. Promoted By: ANPI sezione Gallaratese, Trenno, Lampugnano "A. Poletti e caduti di Trenno" ANPI sezione "Quarto Oggiaro" ANPI sezione "Codè Montagnani" ANPI sezione Vialba, Musocco "A. Capettini" Comitato Antifascista Zona8 To sign it online
http://www.petitiononline.com/nofn5apr/petition.html or sign it write an email to
antifascisti.zona8@libero.it Website: http://www.myspace.com/5aprilemilanoamalaliberta |