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Soepcafe en Onderbelicht filmavond @ extrapool, Nijmegen Onderbelicht - 19.04.2009 14:30
Dinsdag 21 April 20.00u @ Extrapool - 2e walstraat 5, Nijmegen The Take (2004) > Filmavond met soepcafé (vanaf 18.30) The Take (2004) > Filmavond met soepcafé (vanaf 18.30) by Avi Lewis Canada/Argentina, 87 minutes In the wake of the country's 2001 economic collapse, unemployed Argentinian factory workers rewrite the rules of engagement with bosses and come up with a new model for social battle in "The Take." This genuine political documentary by Canadian TV journalist Avi Lewis and Naomi Klein makes its points effectively. Shot over eight months with help from a group of activists, this film chronicles how the millions of casualties of Argentina's brutal free-market policies have started to form co-ops and take over idle, rusting factories to make them productive again. "The Take" comprises material shot by non-professional crews showing workers from several factories. Their slogan is "Occupy. Resist. Produce." The struggle is starting to bear fruit, as some 200 factories have been taken over and collaboration among them is beginning to generate an embryonic alternative economy. Whereas wronged workers traditionally withhold work and go on strike, these people insist on working -- a new way of fighting the increasing threat of factory relocations caused by the global economy. Om 18.30 is er soepcafe @ Extrapool Tot dan! Over Onderbelicht: Onderbelicht is het kollektief van De Grote Broek dat filmvertoningen verzorgt. Tot de verbouwing klaar is, zullen de films op verschillende locaties binnen Nijmegen vertoond worden (o.a. Café de Bijstand, Extrapool en in de Revolutie). Voor of na iedere voorstelling zijn er extra activiteiten zoals live muziek, lezingen en discussies. Indien mogelijk is er voor de vertoning een soepcafé. Voor meer informaties kijk op: www.grotebroek.nl E-Mail: schlumpina@gmail.com Website: http://schlumpina@gmail.com |
Lees meer over: Agenda | aanvullingen | Revolutie? | Autonoom - 20.04.2009 20:10
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