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[a'dam 2day] html workshop + voku + gaming nite / lan party SCUB - 22.04.2009 14:59
Activities for today 22.04.09 at SCUB (Social Center Under the Bridge) @ de Ruyterkade 153-157.  17.00 H: HTML WORKSHOP Level: basic Introduction to HTML, CSS and things related to publish on sites like indymedia or wordpress. 20.00 H - 2.00 H: VOKU + GAMING NITE / LAN PARTY Vegan Voku by Ex-Beukenweg Kitchen Brigade, 1.50€ or donation. Bring your favorite board games or bring your computer to play online games with your friends / share files with each other!! Counter strike & chess open tournaments. SCUB de Ruyterkade 153-157. |
Lees meer over: kunst, cultuur en muziek wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | |