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[a'dam 24.04] brunch in the sun at scub!! scub - 24.04.2009 00:29
vegan brunch in the sun at the social center under the bridge!!  vegan brunch in the sun: fuck the work, ran away from the office and come to eat healthy shit with us and enjoy the nice weather we are having in the last weeks as a result of global warming!! day: every friday time: 13.00 H location: scub, de ruyterkade 153-157 price: donation (if you are a fuckin hippy you can always help washing dishes!) |
Lees meer over: kunst, cultuur en muziek | aanvullingen | Postponed | scub - 24.04.2009 16:42
this week the brunch in the sun is postponed for tomorrow (zaterdag 25.04.09), around 13.00 H. hope to see ya here!! | |
aanvullingen | |