B'nai B'rith inquiry, attacks on Jewish pol. refugee from US Dan Hajidah - 25.04.2009 21:16
B'nai B'rith inquiry of anti-Semite attacks on Jewish political refugee from US in Europe - Leading Jewish group considers call for public prosecution of anti-Semitic offences of author Patricia Cornwell, over long-running attacks on Jewish victim in the USA, in the Netherlands and in Belgium  Victim of anti-Semitic attacks, Jewish-heritage refugee from US Dr Les Sachs B'nai B'rith, the major international Jewish organisation, has confirmed via its spokesperson Sharon Bender at B'nai B'rith International in Washington DC, that it is inquiring into the anti-Semitic attacks on the Jewish-heritage political refugee from the United States, Dr Les (Leslie) Sachs. B'nai B'rith is considering whether to publicly ask for a public investigation and criminal prosecution of the political financier, friend of the Bush family, and famous author Patricia Cornwell, whom US Justice Dept sources, and European police, describe as involved in crimes of anti-Semitic extortion and threats of murder against this Jewish political refugee. These crimes against Dr Les Sachs include the European offence of 'criminal libel', spreading lies and hoaxes against Sachs on the internet, as part of threats to murder him, and also illegally blocking the websites of this Jewish victim to better enable killing him. Staff of the US Justice Dept show evidence files of Patricia Cornwell first threatening an anti-Jewish book-burning against Dr Les Sachs, insulting the memory of Sachs' relatives who died in the Holocaust, and Cornwell then engaging in crimes of court fraud, perjury, illegal instant banning of Sachs' freedom to speak, and Cornwell then paying a neo-Nazi from Germany to threaten to torture Sachs to death while extorting money from him. Dr Les (Leslie) Sachs, an anti-corruption author and journalist, has been living in the Netherlands and Belgium since arriving in Europe as a political refugee from the USA in 2004. The Jewish-heritage Sachs, now an EU citizen, is under the personal protection of members of the royal household of the King of the Belgians. The King of the Belgians has taken an admirable position against racism, and against criminal racist acts on Belgian territory, whether such attacks be against Muslims, dissident Jews like Sachs, or anyone else. The quiet protection of Dr Les Sachs by the house of the Belgian monarch, perhaps saved the life of the Jewish Sachs, in the face of what Belgian police identify as US criminal acts in Belgium toward having Sachs assassinated. These actions were largely funded by author Patricia Cornwell, but also involved the Bush government and judges and US government agents. Police say the criminal acts in Belgium followed on the heels of earlier attacks upon Sachs in the Netherlands. US Justice Dept staffers say Cornwell began to commit these crimes in collusion with her lawyers and a bribe-taking US Virginia judge, Robert Payne, who is quoted in US court filings as an open admirer of Nazi-era leader Adolf Hitler. Robert Payne was appointed to office by Cornwell's close personal friend, the first US President Bush. To view online scans of some of the US Justice Dept and European police files regarding the evidence of crimes by author Patricia Cornwell against the Jewish victim Sachs, see:
http://cornwell-trial-documents.skyrock.com/ See also the article, "US Justice sources: US 'Trials' of Political Refugee in Europe Were Both Fraudulent":
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2009/02/57826.shtml The European criminal acts against Sachs include illegal actions to block Sachs' European websites from the internet, and spread of smear campaigns of hoaxes and falsehood, which Belgian police identify as 'racist hate crimes' and 'criminal libel' against the Jewish Sachs. The thrust of these lies and hoaxes is to cover up for the criminal acts connected to Patricia Cornwell, by deceptions that try to make Sachs sound trivial or disturbed or criminal. - One such hoax is a lie that the case is about 'plagiarism accusations' that Sachs never made. Another hoax is that Sachs is a 'cyberstalker' because he does not stay quiet about the evidence of crimes involving Cornwell and some judges in Virginia USA. These 'criminal libels' were spread astonishingly broadly, including via a strong of false Wikipedia articles; articles planted in US corporate media outlets like CNN, which is a branch of one of Patricia Cornwell's publishing companies; and even articles by dishonest USA law school professors apparently accepting money from Cornwell. As of this writing, the European websites of Sachs remain blocked from being searchable on Google and other internet search engines, under the CIA-backed orders by US judges - See the article, "US Blocking Belgian Journalism Websites to Help Murder US Dissident in Brussels":
http://www.indymedia.be/en/node/31259 It is much to the credit of the Jewish organisation B'nai B'rith to begin to investigate the criminal acts involving the friend of Bush Patricia Cornwell, and to consider publicly calling for President Obama's new US Attorney General, Eric H Holder Jr, to begin criminal prosecution of the felony crimes that appear amply evidenced in US Department of Justice files, and acknowledged by a small group of 'pro-US-Constitution' Dept of Justice staff members. Apparently, Patricia Cornwell and her lawyers, had felt enabled to target the Jew Sachs for anti-Semitic threats of book-burning, and the neo-Nazi threats to murder him, precisely because the Jewish Sachs is a non-Zionist and anti-corruption activist. Patricia Cornwell and her lawyers seem to have felt that Jewish organisations would be always willing to stay quiet about attacks upon a non-Zionist Jew, despite what appear to be clearly proven anti-Semitic racist hate crimes. Now it seems that Patricia Cornwell and her lawyers may have mis-calculated regarding the willingness of B'nai B'rith to indulge the Bush family friend and financier Cornwell, in taking steps toward murdering a Jewish victim, whether non-Zionist or not. (To be precise about Dr Les Sachs: Sachs, fully acknowledging his own Jewish heritage, is by faith a 'unitarian' Christian, seeing Jesus as a Rabbi and teacher and prophet, but a man, much as other Jews or Muslims do.) The large army of lawyers who have worked for Patricia Cornwell and assisting in her attacks upon Dr Les Sachs (Joan Lukey in Boston, USA; Michael Rudell in New York City, USA; James 'Jimmy' Morris and Thomas 'Tom' Roberts in Richmond, Virginia, USA; Conrad Shumadine in Norfolk, Virginia, USA; and Christian Duvernoy in Brussels, Belgium) are not denying that Patricia Cornwell is indeed guilty of threatening to murder the Jewish Sachs and have him tortured to death, and the other criminal acts as described by US Justice Dept staff and European police. The initial attacks upon Sachs seem to have been partly instigated by Patricia Cornwell's own lawyers, who took advantage of Cornwell's mental obsessions about Jewish people, to start a game of 'playing Nazi' with a Jewish victim. The apparent goal of Cornwell's lawyers was to create controversy between Patricia Cornwell and a Jewish target, so the lawyers could then earn many hundreds of thousands in legal fees. This was a completely successful programme of Patricia Cornwell's lawyers. In a US federal court filing, Cornwell's lawyer Conrad Shumadine is quoted as happily declaring of his client Cornwell, "I can milk that bitch [Patricia Cornwell] like a fat f*cking cow." Cornwell has now spent an estimated US $ 2 million in the attacks upon Dr Les Sachs. In addition to the evidence of the crimes against Dr Les Sachs, witnesses have provided written statements regarding Patricia Cornwell's mental obsessions regarding the "dirty Jews" and "filthy Jews", which yet does not preclude Cornwell's involvement with Jews in various ways. In the past, Patricia Cornwell has made the excuse that she hires Jewish employees to do business for her, such as lawyers and agents; and that she has intimate sexual relations with Jewish lesbian women who accept Cornwell's gifts and get on their knees before Cornwell. Patricia Cornwell has said that in light of her sexual involvement with Jewish lesbians, any complaints by other Jews regarding book-burning, extortion, and threats of murder, should be ignored, and that Jews who complain about such things should have their freedom of speech banned and their websites blocked from the internet. With her favour for book-burning and the banning of freedom of the press, Patricia Cornwell found her perfect partner in the pro-Hitler US federal judge Robert Payne, who agreed with Cornwell that there is nothing wrong with book-burning a Jewish writer's books, and that Jewish individuals who complain about book-burning are merely 'marketing' themselves, and so such Jews as Dr Les Sachs need to have their freedom of speech banned and exterminated. The anti-Jewish nature of the attacks on Sachs that were funded by Patricia Cornwell, are quite well-proven in the files shown by US Department of Justice staff members. The following scanned files and articles online, make the anti-Semitic nature of the attacks upon Sachs quite clear: Author Patricia Cornwell bragging she can murder anyone she wants and get away with such a murder, Vanity Fair magazine:
http://mytinyurl.net/7ee992 Patricia Cornwell threatening a book-burning of a Jew's books, insulting the Holocaust victims who are relatives of Dr Les Sachs, Cornwell and her lawyers seemingly taunting a Jew for the sheer pleasure of it:
http://mytinyurl.net/bc9c6e Patricia Cornwell files US federal court papers demanding book-burning of the books of the Jewish writer Dr Les Sachs:
http://mytinyurl.net/505b1b Sticker on book cover of Dr Les Sachs, protesting book-burning threats of Patricia Cornwell, official US courthouse copy here dis-proving the widely spread internet hoax that this 'sticker' was complaining of 'plagiarism accusations' (which Sachs never made):
http://mytinyurl.net/015e6d US courthouse - Dept of Justice files showing Patricia Cornwell committing perjury, Cornwell telling lies under oath about her threats and demands to destroy the books of Jewish writer Dr Les Sachs:
http://mytinyurl.net/1 US courthouse transcript - Last stand in the USA of a brave Jewish man - Risking his own life to expose criminal acts of Patricia Cornwell lawyers, just before being forced to escape to Europe, Dr Les Sachs cross-examines a Cornwell case lawyer in a local courtroom. Here, Sachs quite corners the Cornwell lawyer Thomas 'Tom' Roberts, getting Roberts to admit his threats to murder Sachs and torture him to death as part of the Cornwell extortion; gets Roberts to admit his court fraud with Cornwell in a fake 'Freedom Foundation'; and shows Roberts committing multiple felony perjury about his work with Patricia Cornwell:
http://mytinyurl.net/4cbd05 US Appeals court filing detailing criminal acts of Patricia Cornwell and US 4th circuit judges, including Cornwell's patron, the Hitler-admiring US federal (national) Judge Robert Payne, a judge in court case quotations declaring "that G*ddamn Hitler was right" and that he is "sick of the G*ddamn f*cking Jews", as he works with Cornwell to silence Dr Les Sachs, Judge Payne backing the threats of jail and murder if Sachs does not stay quiet:
http://mytinyurl.net/ccf8ce It has been shocking and surprising to both European authorities, and to the office of the new US Attorney General Eric Holder, that Jewish organisations have not spoken up earlier in defence of such a noteworthy Jewish victim as Dr Les Sachs. No doubt, the Jewish organisations themselves, had been partly deceived by the massive global media campaign of lies against Sachs, planted against him right at the very beginning by the Patricia Cornwell entourage. Right at the start of their attacks upon Sachs, when Sachs was still in the USA, the Patricia Cornwell group was able to obtain a completely illegal but instant banning of the freedom of speech of Sachs, along with also smearing the reputation of Sachs with false major media articles. This media smear campaign against Sachs has been a constant factor of the Cornwell group's activities, including Cornwell paying for staff over several years, to aggressively maintain lies on Wikipedia attacking Sachs and spreading falsehoods about the whole controversy. Right now there is currently a 'waiting period', where the Europeans are waiting to see if the new US government under President Obama, will itself begin a criminal prosecution of Patricia Cornwell and her partners who joined in the attacks on Sachs, and to order the lifting of the illegal US orders upon Google and the search engines that block Sachs' websites from being read by European citizens. It's not an easy matter for the US Attorney General, because the criminal acts involved in the attacks on Dr Les Sachs, involve both US federal judges and US government agents and the CIA, all sharing with Cornwell a role and a self-interest in seeing that Sachs is silenced and killed. And certainly it has become clear, that the only way to really silence an author and anti-corruption journalist like Sachs, is to kill him, a murder that is still actively feared by European police, as long as the websites of Sachs remain blocked by illegal actions of the US government. The illegal blocking of Dr Les Sachs' European websites from the search engines, as well as the criminal attacks upon Sachs in the Netherlands and Belgium, are viewed as a significant insult and criminal attack upon European interests. - If the Obama government does not act to remedy these Bush-era crimes against Sachs, the US government itself, as well as Patricia Cornwell and her entourage, is facing criminal charges in the European courts. Obama's Attorney General Holder, is in a position to move immediately regarding the US crimes of attacking Sachs, given that the crimes against Sachs are well-proven in both the US and European police files, with a number of these files already visible online. With the anti-Semitic and racist nature of these attacks upon the Jewish-heritage journalist and political refugee Dr Les Sachs, so well-proven in the government and police files, it is indeed high time that a major Jewish organisation took the lead in calling for the criminal prosecution of those who have attacked this brave Jewish man. Dr Les Sachs has done so much in his work to help other people, Muslims included. Thousands of e-mails from Americans and others suffering from injustice, attest to the great power of Sachs' anti-corruption journalism, before his websites were illegally and brutally banned from the internet by the Bush-US-CIA machine, with funding from this Bush friend Patricia Cornwell. B'nai B'rith would indeed do itself a great honour to complete its inquiry speedily, and come out strongly in favour of the criminal prosecution of everyone involved in the attacks and torment of this Jewish writer and man of peace For more background see also the following article: "Two EU Writers Under Threat of Murder: Roberto Saviano and Dr Les Sachs"
http://lombardia.indymedia.org/node/13581 - Dan Hajidah Abdan "Dan" Hajidah is a researcher for journalists at European news agencies, and is now doing some journalism under his own name. Dan shares most of his time among the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Belgium. E-Mail: dh-news@europe.com Website: http://www.geocities.com/euromuslim/ |