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Uranium waste train on its way to Rotterdam !! SOFA Muenster - 28.04.2009 00:47
At 23.10 hours a new train with 1250 tons of depleted uranium hexafluoride (UF6) left the uranium enrichment plant in Gronau. It will go via Muenster, Bad Bentheim, Hengelo, Almelo, Deventer, Amersfoort and Utrecht to Rotterdam. From there the MV Schouwenbank will take the uranium waste to St Petersburg and on to Ekaterinburg in the Ural mountains. The Dutch uranium enrichment plant Almelo dumps its radioactive waste in Russia, too. The uranium enrichment plants in Gronau and Almelo belong to Urenco, a multinational company belonging to the Dutch and British government and the German energy concerns RWE and EON. RWE is currently trying to buy the Dutch energy concern Essent and it wants to build two nuclear power plants in Belene/Bulgaria, an area which is being plagued by serious earthquakes. Over the last 13 years more than 30 000 tons of depleted uranium waste went from Gronau alone via Rotterdam to Russia - a very cheap and convenient way of getting rid of dangerous nuclear waste. Under both German and Russian law the im- and export of nuclear waste is forbidden - so both parties define the depleted uranium waste as "raw material"... However the international protests over the last five years have led to a decision by the Russian nuclear watchdog Rosatom to stop the import in 2010. But this means according to our information that from Gronau alone another 2000-5000 tons of uranium waste would go to Russia. Roughly the same amount would go from Almelo. In Russia the uranium waste is being stored on open fields - very safe! Rashid Alimov from Ecoperestroika in St Petersburg told the anti-nuclear demonstration in Muenster on Saturday that currently there are plans to build a new nuclear harbour west of St Petersburg which would destroy the land of a very small ethnic minority. We protest against this and fear that perhaps the uranium waste import might not be stopped - if we don't put more public pressure on the owners of Urenco. The estimated timetable of today's massive train: 23.10 pm: Gronau 0.25-1.10: Muenster 2-3: Bad Bentheim ca. 4: Almelo ca. 5.30: Amersfoort ca. 6: Utrecht ca. 7-8: Rotterdam-Waalhaven departure Rotterdam: 29 April, 6 pm E-Mail: sofa-ms@web.de Website: http://www.sofa-ms.de |
Lees meer over: europa natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | Naar Frankrijk | Stichting Laka - 28.04.2009 14:25
SOFA in Muenster verklaart zojuist dat de trein vanuit Gronau niet naar Rusland gaat, maar naar Frankrijk. Zie verklaring hieronder. According to information from the Federal Police the uranium waste transport DOES NOT go to Russia but to Southern France !! This fits with information from the harbour in Rotterdam. This means, Cécile was hanging in front of a train to Pierrelatte. This begs a lot of questions: 1. Are the uranium waste transports now switching from France to Russia and back? RWE-boss Grossmann talked last Wednesday about decisions taken according to "need". 2. Will the UF6 be deconverted in Pierrelatte? If yes, when will it come back to Gronau - and how (train, lorry)? 3. What does all this mean for the permission to build a uranium oxide "interim" storage sit in Gronau? We expect the train to arrive in Pierrelatte tomorrow. The concrete route in France is at the moment not known. Nuke-free greetings SOFA Muenster (www.sofa-ms.de) | |
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