S.H.A.C. Benefit, under the bridge, may 12th animal liberation now - 30.04.2009 01:56
Amsterdam, may 12th, under the bridge--- Strategy discussion, food, Bands & DJ's damage E 3,- food on donation. Confirmed: - downfall of gaia (de) - finnesterre (de) - sand creek massacre (nl) - la bandida zorra (nl)  [ENGLISH]Saturday 9th of may, there will be a benefit party for the SHAC (Stop Hunitingdom animal cruelty, http://www.shac.net ) campaign. Starting at 17.00h with a discussion on (campaign) strategics, followed by a peoples kitchen around 19h, bands probably start around 21h, followed by DJ's. Location: social centre 'under the bridge', de ruyterkade 153/157 [NEDERLANDS]Zaterdag 9 mei is er een benefietfeestje voor de shac campagne. Om 17 uur begint een discussie rondom (campagne)strategie waarna rond 19 uur de volkskeuken begint. De bands zullen wel rond 21 uur beginnen gevolgd door DJ's. Lokatie: sociaal centrum 'onder de brug', de ruyterkade 153/157
http://utb.cryptodrunks.net/ Website: http://shacnederland.blogspot.com/ |