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[Schiphol] International Airport Flashmob! flashmobsters - 08.05.2009 16:32
Following the success of recent UK anti-airport expansion flashmobs at demonstrating opposition to airport expansion, flashmobs are going international! On Saturday 16th May 2009 there will be simultaneous flashmobs happening at London Heathrow, Dublin, Paris, Brussels, Frankfurt & Amsterdam Schiphol airports.  “A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief time, then quickly disperse.” (wikipedia) The Dutch government has just released an aviation white paper promoting airport expansion. But expanding our dependence on aviation displaces local communities, destroys green land, and the aircraft pump toxic gases high up into the air, damaging our health and contributing to climate change! Meet at: Arrivals 2 at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Saturday 16th May at 12:00/Midday **exactly** Email schipholflashmob@gmail.com for more details E-Mail: schipholflashmob@gmail.com |
aanvullingen | supported by | flashmobsters - 08.05.2009 16:41
- local community anti-airport expansion campaigns - Dutch/Belgian Climate Action Camp - GroenFront! - EYFA - ...
| plan | nn - 08.05.2009 17:03
zaterdagmiddag om 12:00 zal het sowieso al erg druk zijn bij arrivals2. Hoe gaan de flashmobbers zich onderscheiden.. wat is het plan? doodliggen, allemaal foto's maken, allemaal een boompje op je kop..
| details | GroenFront!-er - 08.05.2009 17:30
Yo NN, Er staat ook:
schipholflashmob@gmail.com for more details So, if you want to know more about the detais with the intension to join in --> mail! ;-)
| to flash, reveal and expose | flashmobsters - 08.05.2009 17:45
It's only good that the airport will be busy. The action will be fluffy,the point is to support the small local anti-airport expansion campaigns that are struggling to have their voices heard by government and corporate machines hell-bent on profiting from the destruction of local land and our climate. As for one part of the action (and this is chosen so that it is accessible for a large, diverse group of people to participate in): Leading up to midday lots of people will slowly begin to anonymously mingle around Arrivals 2, then at midday exactly everyone will suddenly strip off their jackets/jumpers to reveal red 'STOP AIRPORT EXPANSION' t-shirts (and there will be people handing out t-shirts to those who don't already have one), and there will be music and banners and lots of noise and we will have two speakers about the white paper and the state of anti-expansion campaigns across Europe. The action should last about one hour. There will be leaflets to hand out. So it's a really easy action and it will greatly help the local campaigns. PLUS we're working on some other smaller actions to add to this bigger one. So consider this also a call for creative and fluffy smaller actions. | Stop Deportations | Jo M2M - 10.05.2009 17:36
While we are flashmobbing at Schiphol, irregular migrants are deported from here on a regular basis. on Momnday 11th KLM Flight 791 will deport Mohamed from Somalia to Btazilia (Sao Paulo). He has been fighting for freedom as a leader of the collective hungerstrike since February 18th. So if you can't make the mob on saturday, why not start on Monday 9 o'clock... No borders, no nations, stop deportations! Website: http://m2m.streamtime.org | |
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