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Report from demo "Rozbrat stays" Kosiarz - 14.05.2009 04:00
Last Saturday ( 09.05.2009 ) was demonstration to defend political - cultural center Rozbrat in Poznan ( http://www.rozbrat.org/news-in-english ) . Main slogan of demonstration was "Rozbrat stays" and "Reclaim the city - against privatization of public space".        Rozbrat is squatted since 1994 and is the oldest squat in Poland ( http://www.rozbrat.org/our-activity/157-rozbrat-squat ). Anarchists from Poznan are very active and really good organize group of political activsts. In Rozbrat Food Not Bombs collective cook meals, there is space for meetings of Anarchist Federation ( http://www.rozbrat.org/our-activity/158-anarchist-federation ) and anarcho-syndicalists trade union Workers' Initiative ( http://www.rozbrat.org/our-activity/159-workers-initiative ) . In squat is bike workshop ( http://www.rozbrat.org/our-activity/163-critical-mass ), two concert veneus, office of Anarchists Black Cross ( http://www.rozbrat.org/our-activity/164-anarchist-black-cross ) and Anarchist Library ( http://www.rozbrat.org/our-activity/123-poznan-s-anarchist-library ) they also have Trojka Publishing House ( http://www.rozbrat.org/our-activity/161-trojka-publishing-house ) and they do many other activities ( http://www.rozbrat.org/our-activity/165-other-activity ). Accept all these activities 20 persons live in Rozbrat. Bank ( owner ) wants to sell ground where squat is located. More then 1000 people participated in demonstration which was very positive surprise for all of us. Atmosphere during demonstration was really good. They were not only anarchists, punks and squatters, but also workers, students, homosexuals, and citizens of Poznan. All of them came to show sympathy and express solidarity with Rozbrat's activists. Since many years anarchists form Poznan are building grassroots network with different organizations and they supporting many groups like workers from H.Cegielski-Poznan (HCP) Co. Plant , homosexuals, people from different neighborhoods of Poznan who are struggling against bad ideas of City Council of Poznan. It was very nice to see that all of them did not forget about Rozbrat's activists, when they are in trouble. Anarchists from Poznan managed to show to citizens of Poznan that image of "Anarchists-Terrorists" and "Squatters - lazy people" created by government and commercial media is false. In the end of demonstration symbolic squatting action took place. Few people entered building evicted on 22nd January 2009. Police was confused, first they tried interfere, but they realize determination of protesters and moved back. Squatters gave speech from window and put banner "House taken from people is still standing empty". Building was occupied for 2 months, but City Council of Poznan ( owner ) sent police and city guards to kick people out. City Council of Poznan said that they want to renovate building, but since eviction nothing happend there. At night was party in Rozbrat. People looked tired ( some of them traveled for many hours from different parts of Poland ) , but they were very satisfied with demonstration. SUPPORT ROZBRAT !!! STRUGGLE CONTINUES !!! |
Lees meer over: wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina | Benefiet festival | Onderbroek DIY - 14.05.2009 19:13
5 & 6 juni is er in de Onderbroek in Nijmegen een punk & hardcore festival. Alle opbrengsten gaan naar de campagne voor Rozbrat & AFA Nederland. Steun vrijplaatsen, lokaal & internationaal! 5th & 6th of june there'll be a punk & hardcore festival in de Onderbroek in Nijmegen. All profit will go to the campaign for Rozbrat & AFA Netherlands. Support your freespaces, local and international! meer info / more info:
http://www.myspace.com/onderbroekdiy Website: http://www.myspace.com/onderbroekdiy | |
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