“Super election year 2009” of the German Nazi party NPD Autonome Antifas Amsterdam - 14.05.2009 22:21
INTRODUCTION In 2009 there will be elections in several federal states of Germany as well as for the European Parliament. On the 7th of June people have to give their votes for candidates of the European Parliament and the local parliaments of Baden-Wuerttemberg in South-West Germany. This will be followed by city and local council elections in Saxony, the Saarland and Thuringia, presumably also in Brandenburg. On 27 September the elections take place to the German Bundestag. Besides that, there are numerous more local elections in other federal states in Germany.  15.05.2009 Antifa Nighter Amsterdam @ OCCII THE NPD AND HER “SUPER ELECTION” ATTEMPT The NPD will take this as an occasion to strengthen and expand their mandates in states and cities in Germany, where she already sits in the parliaments as well as she tries to gain more election victories. As a result the campaigning machinery is working hard in order to get more symbolical strength, to reach more potential voters, to spread her ideology and to integrate her more and more in the political and social life. At the moment, the forecasts are ambivalent due to many internal crises, a fraud affair and a controversy around the party chair. Nevertheless there is a great danger of election victories and strengthening of fascist structures in German parliaments and society. RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS IN SOCIETY The right-wing extremists do not hide themselves any longer, they dare to show up openly in the streets, make information stands, public meetings, propagandistic actions with posters, own neighborhood newsletters (often with more than 20.000 copies) and flyers to gain attention. In addition the NPD occupies mobilizable topics like migration, "foreign infiltration" versus nationalization, criticism of the European Union and the bureaucracy as well as social topics like poverty, welfare and unemployment. The simple answer of the NPD is to go strongly national with a bulk heading state. That is in times of the world economic crisis pleasantly complexity-reducing, but it is an apparently simple solution to attract a lot of unsatisfied voters. THE GERMAN NAZI PARTY Founded and led as a reservoir for old and new Nazis, the NPD sees herself in the tradition of the historical NSDAP and refers with comments, publications and meetings, more or less openly, on the historical National Socialism. The NPD is considered as an election-campaign and a mobilization party and attracts spectrum comprehensive followers of the extreme right. The party unites members from the racquet Nazis of the “free comradeships” up to the conventional representatives of the right-conservative line. Due to the strong nationwide organization and the legal status as a party, there are more infrastructural possibilities given than for any other right-wing movement. THE SITUATION IN SOUTH-WEST GERMANY The activities of the NPD in Baden-Wuerttemberg are not yet to compare with those in some parts of East Germany; however the aim is to strengthen structures and to build up more and more influence on local politics and the public opinion. Antifascist groups recognize an increasing amount of public and propagandistic actions, gatherings, newly formed local groups and public appearances. All these activities may not be regarded in an isolated manner, but it seems rather than the preparation of the election campaign around the local and city parliaments in the region. The emphasis lies on the capital Stuttgart, the cities Sindelfingen/Boeblingen, Esslingen, Ludwigsburg, Goeppingen and the Rems-Murr area. Even if the political influence, regarding fundamental questions and decisions, is not too large; the thread of the NPD cannot be underestimated in local councils and regional parliaments. Besides the symbolic effect, that the entering of Nazis in a parliament always has, the Nazis can spread their propaganda and reach a medial public. Besides the financial advantages, Nazis appear in a parliament openly as a social part of the political life and they can act as an ordinary group, which leads to an image gain for them and in the end to a belittlement of their ideology and aims in the public sense. No platform for Nazis! Fascism is a crime not an opinion! Resistance is necessary! WHAT TO DO? ORGANISE RESISTANCE! In order to prevent the Nazis from their efforts and anchorage attempts, it must be clear that we are not talking about a simple and small “protest phenomenon”, which could be even ignored. We are dealing with a strengthened political movement, which has clear matters, goals and strategies. Resistance against it is necessary and has already been very successful in the past. Nazis often have had to withdraw when a broad social resistance strikes against them, whilst missing protest and few active commitment can lead to so-called „national free zones “and increasing strength of fascist structures and assaults. It is valid to fight back Nazis on all levels and with the most diverse means necessary in order to diminish their agitation. Only if we organize ourselves, seize self initiative and become active, we have the possibility to kick them out of the area. Together we can promote anti-fascist positions and give alternatives to ongoing political developments. We can make a clear statement, that there is no space for inhuman ideologies and politics! ALERTA ANTIFASCISTA!!! ANTIFASCIST BENEFIT FOR “ANTI NPD CAMPAIGN” IN GERMANY Autonomous Antifas from Amsterdam organize a benefit for the public campaign against the election attempts of the Nazi party NPD to get into local parliaments in Germany. >> PUNK/HC SHOWs Vals (Anargopunk Utreg) / Sangre (internationalglamcrustcircus) / Molotov Complex (HC Punk from Adam&Utrecht) / Fucking Pissed (sophisticated love songs Adam&USA) >> AFTERPARY DJs DJ Wsomething with support by Bakfiets Bastards (PutoM&Revolt77) >> Cocktailbar, Antifa Infostands and Merchandise 15.05.2009 @ OCCII / Amstelveenseweg / Amsterdam Show at 21:00 / 5 Euro entrance www.occii.org Antifaamsterdam.wordpress.com ANTIFA NIGHTER BENEFIT The benefit money will be donated to the “ANTI NPD” campaign. Local antifascist groups, unions, left-wing parties and individuals organize together info stands, demonstrations, info evenings, actions and write and print publications, statements and flyers in large amounts in order to inform the general public about the election attempts of the German Nazi Party NPD. Website: http://antifaamsterdam.wordpress.com |