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International action camp  Rojbaş and welcome, the International Camp that will take place in the scope of the Mesopotamian Social Forum (MSF) in Amed/ North Kurdistan. The aim is to make an international meeting possible amongst Kurdish, Turkish and European grassroot activists. Similar to the NoBorderCamps and the Social Forums various activities and discussion will take place to realize this exchange in between all participants, meaning the hosts and the guests. The Camp will take place within the scope of the MSF, that means for example that we will put up our tents on the same grounds- a beautiful park in the city centre of Amed (Diyarbakir). The Camp/ MSF will now definitely take place in between October 5-9, 2009. We think it's quite important to collectively prepare ourselves beforehand the Camp/ MSF. To deal for example with topics such as Internationalism and the question in what way the war in Kurdistan has to do with us in Europe. Therefore public panels will be organized. And for everybody who plans to join the Camp/ MSF preparation weekends will be held. One already took place in February 2009 on the anarchist commune of Burg Lutter in Germany. To continue with discussions that were started but not finished on this weekend and to give new people the chance to join, another weekend will take place from 29.05 - 01.06.20009 in the "Tagungshaus Wernsdorf" nearby Berlin. If you want to signup, just mail us at amed.camp(@)aktivix.org We welcome everybody to join in the preparation process, to take part in the Camp/ MSF and especially in the process subsequent to it. On the Camp we will urgently need Turkish and Kurdish translators! And let us know if you would like to support the Camp/ MSF with your name. Another world is possible! Source:www.international-amed-camp.org |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme kunst, cultuur en muziek vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Where is their struggle? | non-native - 19.05.2009 18:04
maybe support the kurdish people in their struggle here? | |
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