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Grootse kraakactie in Lund (Zweden) globalinfo.nl - 27.05.2009 14:11
In de universiteitsstad Lund in het zuidelijkste puntje van Zweden, was op 16 mei een openlijke kraakactie uitgeroepen. Meer dan 1000 mensen deden daar aan mee, gedeeltelijk in 'ouderwetse' witte overals en schilden/helmen gekleed. De politie trok alles uit de kast om de kraakacties te voorkomen, maar kon niet tegenhouden dat meerdere gebouwen openlijk ingenomen werden. Vervolgens deden ze er de hele dag over om ze weer te ontruimen.  Zie de beelden in dit inspirerende stuk film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GN1kG9dKsWs&eurl= Een engels verhaal erover (van: http://www.globalproject.info/art-19964.html) English version Three different blocks - marked by different colours - tried to break out of the manifestation to enter the buildings. The police managed to secure the buildings beforehand, but couldnt break up the shielded manifestation. Later at night squatters occupied a empty hospital building and the 17 may another manifestation managed to outsmart the police and squat another building, next to the first one. The police sealed of the area and needed the whole day to evict the two squats. The housing actions got a lot of media coverage and helped to put the light on the housing situation for students in one of Swedens largest university cities. The festival was intended to reopen a new season of squatting in the south of Sweden. It was held on the 40th anniversary of the first Swedish squat, in Lund 1969, for a social center. After the European Social Forum in Malmö in september 2008 a new squatter movement was born in Lund as a resault of the debate of problematic housing situation for students and youth in Lund. In october the first squat, Il posto della fragole, was squatted and was followed by squattings in Malmö, Gothenburg and the northern university city Umeå. After the eviction of a mosque in the Malmö suburb Rosengård local migrant youth squatted the ex-mosque and declared they got the inspiration from the Lund squatting scene. Then the Rosengård squatted mosque was evicted one month later a week of fierce riots broke out, where the squatters from Lund also participated to show their solidarity to the fighting migration youth. Another riot with both Rosengård youths and squatters broke out in march 2009 against a the Davis Cup tennis match between Sweden and Israel. Because of the repression after the "Stop the Game" riots the squatter scene decided to try more innovative methods for the squatter festival and experiment with confrontative nonviolence and open social disobedience. ---------------- Nog een filmpje:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ybU2B1oe3U&feature=related Zweeds websites met meer info:
http://www.motkraft.net/nyheter/3537 |
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