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Universities under attack! - CREA - June 2nd Onda Anomala - 28.05.2009 14:39
A debate on the 'Bologna Process' and the privatization of knowledge  Flyer Onda Anomala - Alter/natives - Universitaire Activisten A'dam - Kritische Studenten Utrecht - XminY Solidariteitsfonds are happy to present :: Universities Under Attack? :: From the Bologna process to the privatization of knowledge :: June 2nd - 20.00 uur :: :: CREA Muziekzaal :: :: Free Entrance - English spoken :: Since the implementation of the Bologna Declarationa of 1999 European universities have undergone several waves of reforms. Discontent is rising among workers and students and protests have spread all over Europe. Dutch universities are not immune to neoliberal reforms and spending cuts. Let's debate aboute the 'Bologna Process' and the neoliberal turn in education with students and professors! A newly formed platform of activist students and academics will present its manifesto and future plans for actions. :: With :: *Fabiola Jara* University of Utrecht *André Klukhuhn* University of Utrecht *Grahame Lock* Universities of Leiden, Nijmegen, Oxford *Jos Scheren* non-academic street philosopher moderated by *Andrea Morrison* University of Utrecht E-Mail: aw.nl@autistici.org |
Lees meer over: europa wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | adres | adres - 28.05.2009 19:31
Adres CREA / CREA Theater Turfdraagsterpad 17 1012 XT Amsterdam | |
aanvullingen | |