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hot vegan food for donation @ SCUB every Wed, Thu, Sun voku - 03.06.2009 20:14
Every week on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday come to Social Center Under The Bridge to get your portion of hot vegan food. It's soup and main dish on Wendesdays and Thursdays at 20:00 and bar afterwards; on Sundays there's D.I.Y pancake factory with info about squatting actions in the city at 12:00 and SOS - Soup on Sundays at 20:00 and films on big screen afterwards. The address is De Ruyterkade 153-157 on "het Ij" which are part of the recently built bridge on the level of the Muzikgebouw behind Central Station. and check the web: http://utb.cryptodrunks.net/ |
aanvullingen | en waar? | nn - 03.06.2009 23:33
het zal wel in amsterdam zijn, maar dat is ook wel fijn om te horen.... | and where? | one that does write in eNNglish - 04.06.2009 04:27
I guess this city (which the author forgot to mention) this event takes place in, is Amsterdam. Obvious to me, nevertheless likely unknowable to others. | |
aanvullingen | |