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Belgian Federal & European Parliamentary elections Habib Reffas - 10.06.2009 09:53
The false left-right paradigm leading to a New World Order. Now that the results of the Belgian Federal and European Parliamentary elections are known, the country seems more than ever politically divided on the federal level but can count on the voices of their most powerful EU-representatives to lead the country towards a NWO. Results in Flanders While the extreme right has suffered and lost votes in almost every province, the right stands stronger than ever. On this matter, Phillipe Dewinter, President of “Vlaams Belang” (extreme rightwing party) stated that even if his political party has lost the elections, the Flemish citizen has chosen for the political rightwing ideology. The winners of the Flemish elections are the CD&V (Christian-Democratic & Flemish) and N-VA (New Flemish Alliance) that stands on the political right of CD&V. Interesting to note is that those two parties worked together in the Federal Government and Flemish Government from February 2004 through September 2008. The N-VA put an end to the contract because they didn’t want to compromise with the French speaking politicians of Wallonia and Brussels. Not surprisingly the two parties congratulated each other in their speeches. Another party who has won some hearts in Flanders is LDD (Lijst Dedecker), a party that has been built by one man Jean-Marie Dedecker, ex-judo coach, who started his political career in the right wing Flemish Liberal Democratic party “Open Vld” (who has lost these national elections but who has won great credibility on the European level, more about this below). After a lot of disagreements and a political lynching, he started his own party with a populist extreme right program. The Sp.a (the socialist-progressive party formerly known as the socialist party) has lost some credibility in Flanders and now is thinking about not being part of the Flemish government and to take place as the opposition. Even if the CD&V is moderate about the question and the Christian-Democrats fear for the harsh language of Bart De Wever, president of the N-VA, the parties who have won the hearts of the Flemish citizens stand for an independent Flanders which strive for economic and social independence. Results in Wallonia & Brussels In the weeks before the elections a lot of mud throwing between the MR (Mouvement Réformateur), the French-speaking liberal party of Belgium, and the PS (Socialist Party) took place. MR-president Didier Reynders told the media that “living with the PS is not possible”. Laurette Onkelinx, currently minister of Social Affairs and Public Health, answered by threatening to leave the government. The false left-right paradigm and political war on its citizens’ emotions lead to the following result: the PS stays the biggest party in Wallonia, the MR ended second. The biggest rise in the Wallonian political landscape is that of Ecolo, the Wallonian green party. Nevertheless the MR stays the biggest party in Brussels. Results of the Belgian European parliamentary elections 22 Belgian representatives were elected for the European Parliament, 2 less than in 2007. For the French-speaking Electoral College we count 8 representatives, for the Dutch-speaking Electoral College 13 representatives. Not surprising is that the two Flemish candidates with the most votes are nobody less then Guy Verhofstadt (Open Vld) and Jean-Luc Dehaene (CD&V), both proponents of an European Union. Verhofstadt stated that “Europe is the way out of the economic crisis”. Dehaene stated that “the European Union must be the voice of the Europeans in the New World Order”. One of the French-speaking representatives is no-one less then Louis Michel, ex-minister of Foreign Affairs and now member of the European Commission. He stated: “the UN stays a fundamental organization for a better New World Order and we must act in that direction. Interestingly the three of them are Bilderberg-meeting attendees. Both Flemish representatives are on the attendee-list of the April 2009 Bilderberg-meeting in Athens, Greece, Louis Michel was an attendee in 2003. |
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