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19 juni: No Border Camps 2009 @ Knoflook Knoflook - 15.06.2009 17:34
Op de laatste inlichtingendienst van dit seizoen komt All Included vertellen over de No Border Cmaps in Calais en Lesvos deze zomer. volkskeuken vanaf 19.00 uur Inlichtingendienst vanaf 20.30 uur Knoflook Havendijk 3 Den Bosch knoflook.verenigingontspoord.org http://london.noborders.org.uk/calais2009 The Calais No Border camp is a joint venture between French and Belgian activists and migrant support groups and the UK No Borders Network. It aims to highlight the realities of the situation in Calais and Northern France; to build links with the migrant communities; to help build links between migrants support groups; and lastly, but not least, to challenge the authorities on the ground, to protest against increased repression of migrants and local activists alike. http://lesvos09.antira.info/ Repression has no place on our boat ..... In the last few years the island of Lesvos has represented one of the main entrance gates for thousands of refugees and migrants seeking to reach Europe. Packed in tiny plastic boats they try to cross the sea border between Turkey and Greece but some of them can't make it. More than 1.100 migrants and refugees have lost their lives that way in Aegean sea the last 20 years. The Lesvos No Border camp is a collaboration of Greek and Turkish activists and the Frassanito network. One of their aims is to highlight the harsh border control activities of Frontex in this region. E-Mail: knoflook@verenigingontspoord.org Website: http://knoflook.verenigingontspoord.org |
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