Direct Action reports Global Direct Action - 16.06.2009 17:10
June 15, 2009 - Netherlands - BOMB THREAT AT WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY June 12, 2009 - Italy - ELF SABOTAGE DIGGER June 10, 2009 - Mexico - ARSON ATTACK AGAINST POLICE VEHICLE IN SOLIDARITY WITH INDIGENOUS RESISTANCE IN PERU June 8, 2009 - Mexico - DOZENS OF TELMEX PHONES SABOTAGED June 6, 2009 - Switzerland - CARS DESTROYED AT HOME OF NOVARTIS EXECUTIVE June 5, 2009 - Germany - MEAT TRUCKS ATTACKED June 4, 2009 - Uruguay - EFFIGY OF VIVISECTOR HUNG AT RESEARCH INSTITUTE June 4, 2009 - Finland - WINDOWS SMASHED, PAINTED AT THREE FUR SHOPS June 3, 2009 - Colombia - ATTACKS ON POULTRY INDUSTRY June 2, 2009 - Mexico - INCENDIARY DEVICE DAMAGES PAVING MACHINE June 1, 2009 - France - BIRDS FREED, VEHICLES BURNT AT FARM  Bomb threat at Wageningen University  Birds freed, vehicles burnt at farm June 15 2009 - Netherlands received anonymously (photos:, "In the morning of June the 15th the ALF went back to the Wageningen university. For more than a year this university has been warned about their meaningless experiments on various animals and especially pigs (obesity research). But the Wageningen university decided to do NOTHING and even sent the police after us! We are trying to help you! So we painted the messages: Danger Bomb, Warning Bomb and Stay Away. We also busted a window through which we supposedly gained entrance to plant a bomb. But we didn't and took off. At 7.00 am this message was discovered and the police was called. They also called the Royal Army bomb squad. The building was evacuated and sealed up. Media first reported that a strange package was found but later said nothing was found at all. But before they noticed it was just a hoax it was around three in the afternoon. This was very unfortunate because the university has an international congress on Food coming up tomorrow. See how Annoying a bomb threat is? Now we ask of you: Make some REAL changes for the animals before the end of the month. Real changes not meaningless debates or commissions. Not because we scared you into it, But because it's THE RIGHT THING!. We have better things to do than running around at night. ANIMAL LIBERATION FRONT" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- June 12 2009 - Italy anonymous report: "ROME ITALY We cut wires and the oil tube of a digger used to deforest. unfortunately there were men at work so we could not destroy the cab Earth liberation front" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- June 10 2009 - Mexico anonymous communique (translation): "On the night of June 8, we, the Frente de Liberación de la Tierra, along with some anarcho-Insurrectional individuals who are committed to constant conflict with the state and its institutions, decided to carry out an action together in the city of Ecatepec in Mexico State. This time our main objective was the machines that belong to authorities in that city that are used to rip up trees from their roots and to cover the earth with concrete; the machines were hidden under the bridge over Avenida Morelos and López Portillo. When we arrived there we realized that the earth-destroying owners' slaves were inside the machines, and that they surely wouldn't be leaving until the following day, to work and to be exploited to earn a few coins for their subsistence. Why is it that people are watching the machines? Is it that the owners fear leaving them alone and the next morning finding them unusable, that their urbanist project be delayed and thousands of pesos lost in damages, like they have seen happen in other municipalities in Mexico State? This objective was abandoned and we decided to carry out another; in front of the excavators, bulldozers and other machines was a large command headquarters of state police torturers, the ASE (Agency of State Security), violators of the prisoners in Atenco, accomplices in the killing of animals in Jaltenco, protectors of the interests of the multinationals, killers of the earth, living with the impunity that Mexican justice gives them, laughing with their machine guns on their backs and confidant that they can destroy any protest with their repression. They were there; maybe they didn't know that all violence creates counter violence and for all who are struck down, sooner or later there will be a response. Dedicated like wild wolves who have left their dens under the full moon, we placed an incendiary device in one of the trucks, a small flame ignited the engine and burnt the truck. Our sabotage was fast and effective, the destruction of social peace was imminent. What police would be expecting an arson attack in front of their very noses? How do those commanders feel who boast of the fast effectiveness of their subordinates now that a group of eco-anarchists have attacked their facilities? Do they feel horrible because the raid they carried out after the fire was useless; they could not catch those responsible who now write these lines of revenge against the anthropocentric state and its institutions? The war against this system is deadly serious, if they order their police to suppress, incendiary self-defense will rise up. We dedicate this action to the fierce defense that is carried out in the Amazon in Peru; the peasants killed by the anthropocentrist state have been avenged by their natural instinct to defend the wilderness, killing, kidnapping and also injuring the police. Let's defend the planet where we live! Show your teeth! Now no more passivity! ELF/FLT" ------------------------------------------------------------------ June 8 2009 - Mexico anonymous report: "In the first week of June the Luddites Against Domestication of Wild Nature divided into different parts of Mexico State and Mexico City and we sabotaged around 78 telephones belonging to the biocidal Telmex company, in addition we flattened the tires of one of their vans. Daily sabotage against abuse" -------------------------------------------------------------------- June 6 2009 - Switzerland anonymous report: "Solothurn, 20th. 05. 2009 Three incendiary devices under the three cars of Bruno Heynen, Board of Directors of Novartis. Dealing with HLS means dealing with us! For the animals, for the earth Animal Liberation Brigade" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- June 5 2009 - Germany received anonymously: "on the 25th april 2009 we attacked meat trucks of the slaughterhouse in bayreuth, south germany. we punctured about 16 tyres of trucks and trailers and threw bottles of butyric acid into the loading space of two trucks which were left open for airing. alf" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- June 4 2009 - Uruguay anonymous report (translation): "ON THE EVENING OF TUESDAY, JUNE 2 WE APPROACHED THE INSTITUT PASTEUR (A LABORATORY WHERE THEY TORTURE ANIMALS IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE) AND ON A GATE ON THE SIDE OF THE BUILDING WE TOOK A NOOSE AND HUNG A LIFE-SIZED DOLL DRESSED LIKE THOSE TORTURERS (VIVISECTORS) WITH THE NAME OF MARTINA CRISPO (HEAD OF THE TRANSGENIC AND EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS UNIT), THEN WE SET FIRE TO TWO TIRES AND LEFT A MESSAGE ON THE WALL FOR THIS TORTURER, THAT READ: 'MARTINA CRISPO: FUCKING KILLER IF YOU CONTINUE TORTURING ANIMALS THE SAME FATE AWAITS YOU WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE' WE THEN THREW LEAFLETS EXPLAINING OUR VIEWS ON VIVISECTION AND THE REASONS WHY WE OPPOSE IT. BETWEEN THE 2ND AND 5TH OF JUNE THE IMM WILL TAKE PLACE, THE THIRD MEETING OF REGIONAL SCIENTISTS. THIS IS A CALL TO ALL THOSE WHO OPPOSE THE EXPLOITATION OF ANY ANIMAL AND ARE READY TO USE DIRECT ACTION TO END IT ALL. AS THEY KNOW, WHILE ANY ANIMAL IS IN A CAGE, WE WILL BE THE ONES WHO WILL GO OUT MASKED, UNDER THE COVER OF NIGHT, TO PUT AN END TO THIS SYSTEM BASED IN EXPLOITATION. ANIMAL LIBERATION!!! MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ June 4 2009 - Finland recent actions in Finland, reported on "Helsinki - 3 windows smashed from furshop Valtonen Helsinki - Furrier Arffman's windows painted Tampere - Furshop Sammon turkis, window smashed Tampere - Front of Furshop Sammon turkis decorated with red paint, locks glued" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ June 3 2009 - Colombia reported on Liberación Total (translation): "In complete opposition to any form of repression and domination, autonomous cells of the FLA and FLT in 'colombia' have become more active; each time they take action, they become more visible. They are anarchists and declare themselves in graffiti as anti-authoritarians, outcasts of every nation and all forms of power. In the last 2 months they have taken actions involving economic sabotage and the destruction of the property of those made rich at the cost of innocent lives. Starting with graffiti, 'Animal Murderers!', 'We will not stop until all of us animals are free!', 'ALF is not dead' and then attacks on shop windows, breaking glass and littering their storefronts; they have attacked key businesses and the establishments of those who sell the dead bodies of those who should have free and wild lives, respected and without masters. KFC franchises, a poultry supplier, a Compañía del Sabor [fast food restaurant] and others who sell the fruits of prisons will no longer be safe. They have already had to close for a few hours to clean up what had been done to them. The FLA needs stronger representation such as press offices for dissemination and support, as well as more anonymous, clandestine and decentralized actions by those who no longer shed tears for injustice but instead spill gasoline and break the windows of businesses that belong to the powerful, the killers and the dominators... For a nocturnal campaign against the poultry industry in Bogota, for actions with ever greater economic repercussions against the exploiters of the earth. CARPE x NOCTEM [SEIZE THE NIGHT]" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- June 2 2009 - Mexico received anonymously (translation): "Now the fraudulent political parties inundate the streets with their propaganda and their phony speeches adorned with flowers, beautiful colors and happy faces, covering the horrors that the animals and the earth are subjected to by them so that they can prolong their democratic-fascist-speciesist dictatorship. Authorities from various municipalities in Mexico State are now aware of many different incidents, for example the arsons on behalf of the earth, which they think are just another trick by a group of paid thugs who arm their political opponents in order to discredit the public safety that is always promised, but no, we will make it public again today, the Frente de Liberación de la Tierra is not moved by political parties, nor groups of paid thugs; the only thing that moves us to engage in direct action is rage against their hypocritical green speech, and the environmental destruction that must be stopped by our own hands. Today the political parties expand highways, pave places where beautiful flowers were starting to grow and destroy the only trees, catalizers of carbon dioxide, that we had left in the city. We will no longer permit this. So once again we took to the streets of Mexico State and placed an incendiary device in one of the machines that destroys the earth and that was being used to cover the still-living earth with pavement. Apparently the fire was extinguished because it only damaged part of the driver's seat, the windows and some cables. Warning: In our next action we will leave your machines unusable as we have done before. FLT/ELF" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ June 1 2009 - France received anonymously (click here for additional photos): "One night in May 2009, Paris suburb. The raising of thousands of birds to be killed (pheasants, geese, ducks, partridges) in Gaillon (Yvelines, France) was the ALF's target. After cutting the fence to enter the property of the breeder, we discovered thousands of tiny cages and an big incubator for thousands of baby partridges. Result: - 10 cars belonging to the farmer and a lorry to transport animals to slaughter (separated and far away from the animals) have been BURNT. - ALF SIGNED on the wall. - dozens of prisoner partridges and crows FREED. Wire destroyed. - several traps: one jailed rat FREED. Traps destroyed . The breeder has lost several hundred thousand euros and his activity is weakened. French ALF. Keep fighting!" French: "Une nuit de Mai 2009 , région parisienne Un élevage de milliers d’oiseaux destinués à être tués (faisans, perdrix, oies, pigeons, canards, paons, dindes etc.), l’élevage de « gibier » Marcille à Gaillon (Yvelines) a été la cible du Front de Libération des Animaux. Après avoir découpé le grillage devant la propriété des tortionnaires, notre cellule a découvert l’étendue de l’élevage : des milliers de cages minuscules doublement grillagées (voir photos et vidéo) ainsi qu’une couveuse de plus de mille bébés perdreaux. Les bébés morts sont donnés à manger aux corneilles emprisonnées elles aussi. Plusieurs mois de repérages et investigations ont permis de préparer l’action. Résultat : -une dizaine de véhicules appartenant aux éleveurs (camion de transport d’animaux et voitures personnelles) isolées des animaux et à part sur le site ont été INCENDIES. -ALF taggé en signature de l’action. -plusieurs dizaines de perdrix et des corneilles enfermées dans des cages minuscules LIBEREES. Grillage ARRACHE ; -plusieurs pièges trouvés sur le lieu : Un rat pris au piège LIBERE ; pièges DETRUITS. Grâce à cette action, l’éleveur a perdu plusieurs centaines de milliers d’euros et son activité est fragilisée. ALF France. Le combat continue !" Website: |